
In what ways did conditions in Germany between 1918 and 1933 help Hitler to gain political power?

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and what arguements and methods did Hitler use to build up the n**i Party?




  1. Economic collapse after defeat of WWI. Capitalists, Communists, & Jews scape-goated. Outrage @ having to continue to pay Restitution to Allied nations. Failure of post war "Democratic Republic" government to improve conditions for the masses. Hitler's "New Order" Jingoism  was his fascist ideal - with himself ruling Supreme: by Edict. Much like Obama's "Time for a change" rhetoric.

  2. Germany was on its knees after ww1, the reparations to the allies (France in particular) was crippling the German economy, the people were starving and there was no hope, then along came Hitler,the n***s where a very small party but Hitler was a charismatic man, his speeches very powerfull, Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's woes and he convinced the people that the n***s would pay them back for What they had done, the n***s then started getting stronger at elections, they won enough votes at the elections for Hitler to be named vice chancellor, then Hindenburg died and Hitler became Chancellor.

    The n***s then outlawed all other political parties and started Germany's armaments production, the economy became stronger and the people were happy, Hitler in the mean time got rid of anyone in his own party whom he felt where a threat to him, finally Germany became a military power in Europe, and the rest is HISTORY!

  3. I will NOT do your history paper for you!

  4. Hitler was a great speaker. The great depression struck Germany hard not only could America not help them with their reperations the countries Germany was paying them too were more demanding as they were being hit as well. Here comes the n**i party, it appealed to Germany nationality inspiring things that could be compared with American society like flag waving or such. The n**i party gave speeches about German pride and people saw hope in the n**i party. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf which basically gave the German people what they wanted, a scapegoat which was the Jews and it also turned them against the other Foreign powers. As the n**i party grew in ranks Hitler began to rise in rank in the Weimar republic eventually to Chancellor much to President Hindenburgs disdain as he hated the n***s. Unfortunately Hindenburg died and Hitler consolidated his power and pretty much made himself dictator. Hitler also fulfilled his promises to the German people and did alot more than Roosevelt did with the New Deal. Hitler began many Public Works projects as the New Deal did but also began putting German people to work in war factories (which is what ultimately brought the US out of the Great Depression, WW2). Now the German people had food, clothing, homes, trust in Hitler, and pride in Germany. Basically in that order. Through that Hitler was able to fulfill his promises and keep his power.

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