
In what ways did the U.S. benefit from 9/11?

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I know the owner of the towers received billions of dollars from insurance, George Bush's approval rate skyrocketed, we got access to oil fields, we got to declare a "war on terror" which basically gives us the right to attack anyone and anything that might be 'terroristic,' and many totalistic laws were passed under the assumption of one being a terrorist (useful for a New World Order). But what other benefits did the government get from the 9/11?

Don't call me a sicko, I'm just putting a list together. Neutral research. Call the FED sickos. Enough said and thanks for the help.




  1. creation of homeland security,,,those national id cards that every citizen will eventually carry w/them at all times,,,before you know it, they will inject us w/that microchip that won't allow us to buy groceries or anything,,,,laugh now people,,but the mark of the beast is upon us...

  2. gave military an opportunity to test their futuristic weapons on human subjects

    Patriot Act - Big Brother watching anything and everything we do.

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