
In what ways do men "rule" over women in today's world ? What are some of their tricks ?

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  1. this cannot be a serious question.  women are given so many advantages it's amazing.  

    they are given preferential hiring treatment.

    they are given preferential status in divorce court.

    they have the right to murder unborn fetuses because being pregnant makes them look "icky" or "bloated".

    they are given preferential college admissions.

    the list could go on all night.

    how brainwashed does a person have to be to believe men are in charge of anything these days?  I know that your feminist college anthropology professor told you that, but how can you not see with your own eyes?

  2. Gossip Girl: How typical, your saying that women dont cheat, murder, assault, abuse, lie?

    You really need to get out of the real world and actually talk to a few men, and not go on what your Women's Studies professor told you.

    h**l you probably dont even know any men. I know its easy to think of yourself as a victim all the time, but you can't blame men because you fcked up your own life, which you obviously did, or you wouldn't be here B*tching about men.

    And we control so little its apalling, yet your still whining that we have all the power, nevermind that thanks to affirmative actions women get free jobs while i have to interview and be the best person for the job, nevermind that if your fired for any reason you can just sue for sexual discrimination and win loads of cash, nevermind that the police will take your side in any domestic dispute, nah, we totally control everything, rite?

  3. Men don't "rule" over women, except in places like Saudi Arabia, and women don't "rule" over men.

    Nobody "rules" over other people, unless their insecure control freaks!

  4. You catch more bees with honey. Kill them with kindness, that's what I say.

  5. Mind control and physical abuse. I have never had a problem with that though. With that being said, I wish a mutherfu@ker would try to control me. It seems that men know which women they can get away with that kind of mess with.  I remember when my aunt was in an abusive relationship. I have never witnessed it happened to her.

    But there was this one time I was there and he was about to hit her and I calmly said to him, "If you hit her we're going to tussle. And I'll show you who's boss." Gladly he took me serious, because he is still alive. Funny though, he didn't speak a word that day and left that night and never came back. That shows how much of a wimp he really was.

  6. Men will not answer this question.  We are all sworn to secrecy on this issue.

  7. We don't. In the time since the Women's Movement started, they have overshot their stated goal, and some of the more vocal members of  that movement are now looking for SUPERIORITY, probably to get back at men for the past. What these people don't get is that doing so makes them just as bad as the ill-advised people they revile so, and that doing so just makes them hypocrites.

  8. The men rules as predator and women are the prey it is as simple as that...As a woman I would tame that wild predator to be my pet,it is a hard work but it is worth it....

  9. ok first off: women don't allow anything! Hello! men control everything! when women try to tell men something they ignore it, but when a man tells a man something then they jump right on it; even if what they say is what the woman said. I also think that blacks, and imigrants get more than what white people get. (NO offense). they get welfare and basically w/e they need even when they don't try to get a job. Well news flash! You should have to pay taxes and work just as much as whites! And men hurt there wives. Women aren't as strong as there husbands. So, they can basically do anything that they please. Also, most murders, phsocopaths, and rapists are men. Does anyone see a pattern here? Men suck! they control, hurt, and murder people for what reason? Power! Men want power and they want to be bigger and better than anyone else! It's messed upl! I hate it when men do those things. Men don't talk either. They don't communicate. And they cheat on people. They also lie. For what reason? Because they WANT to hurt us. They all so "I didn't mean to!" or something like "I never wanted to hurt you!" or something close to that. I have more to say on the subject. So those who oppose me or if someone wants to know more email me:

  10. In every positive way men rule.

    All women do is spread negative energy.

  11. I dont get it.  Why presume that men do this at all?  Then again, why presume that men do it any more than women do it?  Quit with the sexist bigotry... okay.  Women are no more virtuous than men... we are all human... and many people become corrupt to manipulate others if they think they can get away with it.


    How did you get that out of nothing?  No I didnt say that.  The fact that you would/could extract that is blind, bigoted and only proves the extremity of your stupidity and bitter sexism.  You can conclude and rationalize anything you d**n well please to suit your own agenda... that does not speak too highly of you.

    But yes, I have used s*x as leverage over women before.  Is that what you mean?

  12. Insisting that "men rule over women" these days is like trying to tell everyone that the Proletariat (poor person or working class person) ruled over the Communist Party in the former Soviet Union.

    In both examples, it is very very much the other way around.

  13. the trick is when women allow this to happen

  14. Mostly in the religious arena - it's been that way for eons

  15. Men don't "rule over" women.  The very idea is ridiculous.

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