
In what ways do people disrespct firefighters and paramedics?

by Guest58626  |  earlier

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Doing a social issue paper on firefighters/emts who are often disrespected and looked down upon by citizens UNTIL you experience their help and support through an emergency. Many people say firefighters do nothing all day but sit around, etc. etc... what other examples can you give me that many civilians put against firefighters that are completely absurd and should be addressed in my paper? Thank you so much; your help is needed and appreciated. I love my heroes...




  1. This is ridiculous.  Everyone loves firefighters.  They are like superheroes.... except when they want a raise.  Then they are treated like garbage.

    There might be a stigma that firefighters and EMTs just lounge around all day between calls... its mostly true as far as I can tell.  I work next door to a firehouse and talk to the guys all the time.  They spend an inordinate amount of time throwing around the old football etc, compared to any job I ever had.

  2. disin firemen and paramedics not cool - cant help with that since i never saw it or heard it cus if I did i'd said soemthin

    but i thoguht i'd put that out there - NOT COOL!

  3. Why would anyone have any disrespect for the men and women who are first responders to unfortunate events?  Let me see.....that's a tough one here goes.  People disrespect paramedics by not pulling over on highways when they see an ambulance with their lights on giving them the right of way.  They are in emergency mode and should be respectfully given all assistance in their endeavor to do their work.  People disrespect firefighters by reporting a fire that doesn't exist, a thrill seeker simply wanting to see and hear the lights and sirens.  Those are some examples.  Did that help?

  4. From my personal experience:

    Failing to yield the right of way to emergency vehicles.

    Failing to yield the right of way to the two dudes running down the hall, with a stretcher and supplies! (it's amazing how people can notice you there yet not move an inch to get out of the way).

    I don't know if it's a disrespect issue, but it always irks me how restaurants will give discounts to firefighters and police, but not paramedics.

    People tend to assume that we're glorified ambulance drivers, yet they fail to realize that  in the back of the ambulance, we can perform about 75% of what you can get in the ER.

    Most of the firefighters I know work their tail off, usually have to work two jobs to pay the bills because firefighting doesn't pay enough.

    Most of the paramedics either work two jobs or are broke as heck :)

    That's about all I can think of....good luck on your paper!

  5. I agree... everyone lov3es firefighters and paramedics. They play an important role in society, saving lives and what not. Who told you otherwise?

  6. Paramedics and firefighters don't have to stop at red lights and can drive above the speed limit. That is so not fair ;)

  7. Narrcissim. They walk around like they are better then we are. Maybe they are. But dont act it.

  8. They think the paramedics or EMTs are just "ambulance drivers."  You try going into an accident scene when a doctor is too scared to do it...I have.

    That EMS workers will abuse the lights and siren in order to get a pizza, etc...I have never seen this.  Ever.  Sometimes we'd get a call, hit the lights...and then the call would be cancelled...but people presume too much.

    That it's a skate job between calls.  People aren't just sitting around playing cards waiting for a call.  Training happens, maintenance happens, administrative work happens...

  9. In three countries (Canada, Scotland and England) I have witnessed incidents where drivers of vehicles failed to give way to emergency service vehicles (fire and ambulance) while they were driving down main roads with sirens and horns blazing.  Sometimes though drivers could not get out of the way due to heavy traffic and narrow roads (especially in the UK).   In London England it is not uncommon for emergency service personnel to drive up on the opposite side of the road in order to get through.  Ambulance attendants in the UK have been verbally abused and often physically assaulted by members of the public (seen on Street Crime UK - especially on weekends in city centres by drunks !)

  10. I admire all firefighters that I know,,,but they are all volunteers around here..but some say they like their beer too much and sit around the company and wait for action but still drink their beer ...and if there is a fire they will probably go to it anyway...

    some get a bad rap cuz they are sooo into the fire stuff that some acuse them of setting fires just to put them out or to be a hero,,but I never heard of that around here so far,,but I did read it in papers....

    as far as paramedics go....I never heard anything ever bad at all about them.   ever....

  11. My husband is a professional firefighter, and he gets a lot of people always giving him grief because they say he gets to sit around all day.  What they don't know is that they do inspections all day long, install smoke detectors, go to schools.  They have to work out for at least an hour every work day.  They have a long list of chores they have to do every single day, and they also go on alot of medical calls.  Yes, there is a some down time, but there is definitely more work than play going on.  My husband is usually up all night at work and has to come home and sleep all day.  So you definitely are correct that that is a common misconception.  

    People also assume that they make a lot of money, which they don't.  

    People also assume that they are treated with respect on all the calls they go on, which they are not.  My husband has been sworn at many times and even spit on, by people he was there to help.

    And, people assume they all know how to cook.  Which, according to my husband, is definitely not true!!! lol!

    And Bradmich is correct that people assume firefighters aren't educated.  My husband had to take a lot of classes to get on the job 15 years ago.  And now, you pretty much HAVE to have a fire science degree to even be considered in most departments.

  12. I think they are generally well respected by most.

    Certainly by me!!!!

    The only examples are perhaps of stubborn or distraught people that do not listen to instructions given by firefighters/paramedics during emergency situations but that is not really out of disrespect it's panicked people who can't see reason.

    Plus there are no doubt a minority who don't respect them but they are low-lifes who don't have respect for anyone!!!

  13. well thats kind of stupid isn't it? i mean these people are  looking out for you..why  harass them?  people are stupid sometimes.  good luck on the paper!

  14. I am not sure why some people are disrespectful. God bless firefighters, police and paramedics. They serve society and are real heroes!


  15. I've heard that many paramedics are over worked and they mess up alot or they have bad bed side manners.

  16. I didnt know that they did

  17. VOTE PEE WEE HERMAN 08!!!!!

  18. here is a little thing that someone wrote, that can give you many things to address in your paper... unfortunatly, i do not know who wrote it, but alot is true.. this mainly talks about fire fighters, but it is basically the same for emts..

    Firemen don't have a chance

    When the fire trucks are delayed 40 seconds in traffic, People say:

    "It took them 20 minutes to get here."

    When the truck races at 40 m.p.h., it's:

    "Look at those reckless fools."

    When four men struggle with an eight-man ladder:

    "They don't even know how to raise a ladder."

    When firemen open windows for ventilation to reduce heat in fighting a fire:

    "Look at the wrecking crew."

    When they open the floor to get at a blaze:

    "There goes the axe squad."

    If the chief stands back where he can see and direct his men, people say:

    "He's afraid to go where he sends his men."

    If they lose a building:

    "It's a lousy department."

    If they make a good "stop" folks say:

    "The fire didn't amount to much."

    If lots of water is necessary:

    "They are doing more damage with water than the flames."

    If a fireman gets hurt:

    "He was a careless guy."

    It a citizen gets hurt:

    "It's a crazy department."

    If a fireman inspects a citizen's property:

    "He's meddling in somebody 's business."

    If he wants a fire hazard correct:

    "I'll see the mayor."

    If he gets killed and leaves a family destitute:

    "That's the chance he took when he joined the fire department."

    Author unknown

  19. firefighters are considered blue collar workers.

    and the association with blue collar workers that most have involves lack of education or intelligence.

    firefighters are actually have to know a lot of things. from chemical reactions of combustibles and also physics. they are very analtyical people and this kind of work involves brain as well as brawn.

    same goes with paramedics.

  20. I think the biggest disrespect you can give A emt or firefighters, is not to pull your car over so they can get through. after all they are probably on their way to save someones life. and someday it might be that person.

  21. i hate to stereotype anyone but the majority of firefighters and emts in my area are obese. not saying they dont do their jobs to the best of their abilities, they're just fat

  22. i my self am a firefighter and an emt. it is very hard to see how the public looks at you when you are under all thay presure it is very nerve racking when they say tht firefighters sit around at the staion all day eating donuts and watching tv. bu tht is not true. they dont relize that when there house goes up in flames and  then they know that we dont just sit around all day doing nothing.. also when i am an emt we get alittle better treatment then when i am a firefighter it is a little more serious when it come to lives to me i feel that if i mess up that a life will be gone.. like someones grandma isnt gana come home tonight because i didnt pull my part. that is why yu have to pull 110% every time. yes we do have calls tht arent very serious. but 10% of the 100% are serious ones that makes yu think that i hope i can make a difference.. and when yu are a firefighter and yur responding to a fully involved house fire your hopeing if your gana come home to your wife and son tonight.

  23. I live in California. And about 2 weeks ago, I overheard a boy saying, "Our firefighters are so useless....they're not stopping these fires."

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