
In what ways does man interrupt the natural cycle of flood and fire? Why? Is this interference good or bad?WHY

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In what ways does man interrupt the natural cycle of flood and fire? Why? Is this interference good or bad?WHY




  1. we hinder the flow of water into natural flood planes thus changing the resulting plant and animal life and many movement patterns. these normally non dry areas can result in abnormal fires, but at the same time we tend to stop wildfires which naturally replinish the soil. in essence all attempts mankind has made to control any of these natural cycles have results that extend far beyond the common conception. in merely one hundred years time we have altered migration patterns of everything from north american bison to salmon, while at the same time preventing the california pine forests to be purged of old growth, resulting in massive amounts of previously unseen undergrowth inviting different animal behavior patterns and even more migrational issues. it is both good and bad for us as human inhabitants of the planet, because on one hand we may benifit from our homes not washing away and our barns not burning down, but it should be noted that we built in the path of nature, and while a flood of water may not come our way the interferance can lead to a flood of pests such as rodents and arthropods that would not have flourished in the area otherwise.

  2. Man interrupt natural flow of a river by constructing dams, buildings, putting lot of garbage, polythene (which is not degradable).  It obstructs the natural flow of water. A very good (?) example is flooding of Mumbai city in every mansoon season.

    People who pass through forests throw burnign matchsitcks on the dry grass which takes up fire quickly and starts burning the dry wood, trees and grasslands. Sometimes people burn the forests to clean up the land for some different purpose. This creates an imbalance in the natural ecosystem. The wild  animals of the forests have to run away from the fire. They come to the nearby villages and start eating the animals of the village such as cows, dogs, sheeps etc.  Then the villagers get disturbed and they try to kill these wild animals.  So also the birds from the forests cannot get shelter on the trees and such homeless birds become victim of cold or hot weather, other animals and birds.  This causes the imbalance.

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