
In what ways does money rule your life?

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In what ways does money rule your life?




  1. It rules my life by forcing responsibility.  I bought a house; the moment I signed the papers I agreed with myself that I would wake up daily and work for money.  Not work for the house or the car or the kids but for money.  Sometimes, it is hilarious the things we do for money.  

    But yes, the answer is it forces responsibility.  Those persons without money wake and walk around, but eventually, you know what, they ask and beg for money to get a cup of coffee or 40 ounce of beer or wine.  Don't lie to yourself, it runs the world.

  2. It does not rule my life , I use the money as a tool to lead my life peacfully, happly.

  3. If I had a lot of it, I'd move to New York...

    I'd start a theatre company...

    I'd probably get my books published a bit easier, too...

    Money is TRAPPING ME IN MY LIFE; therefore, it complete rules what I do every day.

  4. i just need it to pay my bills and live a decent life. A life my future kids will be proud of :D

  5. People want money because it provides freedom. Money can rule people's lives because they always want more it is never enough, even as a millionaire, always believing "enough," is just around the corner but it will never come. If you are secure and comfortable, than that is good.  

  6. If I cant pay, I lose my home

  7. I don't have any money so there are no rules, have a nice day

  8. If I had more money, I could have my bf with me now instead of IMing him while he is on the other side of the world...=(

  9. It is said that money cannot buy you happiness.....but it can sure buy you a better level of misery.

    money makes the world go around, the people who usually tell you not to worry about money are those that have it.

    We live in an insular society that craves every new development and technological apparatus , banks created a stream of readily accessible credit via credit cards to allow people to enjoy now and pay later.

    We live in a high consumer , over debt, credit reliant society to feed our cravings and wants, because of this money will rule everyones life.

    By the way if you owe the bank a $1,000,000 dollars and cannot pay you have a problem , if you owe the bank $10,000,000 and cannot pay the bank has the problem.

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