
In what ways does the character Hannibal Lecter contribute to the development and wellbeing of society?

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A cannibal and murderer... Artful strategies... brilliant, beautiful mind...




  1. I suppose you could say sociopaths thin the herd and contribute to the over all health and intelligence. But I think the main contribution of these fine fellows is to strengthen norms and values in our culture. If there weren't an extreme deviant once in a while, even a fictional one, there would be no need for these structures at all and "lesser" evils would have absolute freedom to do whatever they wanted.

  2. Hannibal is a derivative of pieces and potential of every human. He is a core reflection of the evil of society, but also the realism of society. His ideas, thoughts, actions are pure. They may be deviant, but they are pure in nature. His mission is very one tracked. I brilliant design of achievement.

    A mind like a game of chess.

    The contribution lies within giving us the ability to look into the mirror of our potential (not even individual, but political and global potential).

  3. There are many different areas in which a country/society would benefit from a person of Hannibal Lecter quality.

    First and foremost would be police, FBI, etc.  They would need to think inside the box, outside the box, and without the box to recognize any pattern he may leave behind.  The people of such a society would also be able to use him as an example that there may be a person of cannibalistic nature and report it to the proper authorities.  (No vigilante justice here...)

  4. He was a great psychologist.  

    Psychologist contribute to society I guess, right?

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