
In what ways has september 11, 2001 affected americans. What have we done after 9/11???

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In what ways has september 11, 2001 affected americans. What have we done after 9/11???




  1. I think its just caused more panick than anything, theres sooo much airport security.  I agree with it but i think it just gave other terrorists ideas about what they want to do.

  2. It has made airport travel much more difficult.  I remember the early 70s when you could board a plane almost as easy as you would a Greyhound bus.  Since air hijackings became harder, more and more security measures are in place, making air travel much less fun.

    Unfortunately, most Americans have very short memories and are losing their vigilance concerning terrorism.

  3. I personally feel that since September 11, 2001 that the main issues that have taken place are the bills the president and congress have issued in the name of fighting terrorism. I believe these bills to have a longer effect on the American citizen than the terrorist. I personally feel these acts of our government is only to strip the rights of Americans, Beware  of freedom of speech online as well as gun control coming soon to a act or bill soon.

    The following  bills and acts have done little to fight terrorism.

    The Patriot Act H. R. 3162

    Bill HR 1959 or Bill HR 1955 known as the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

    Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007

    I added the links to what these bills allow but read for yourself what rights have been striped by these bills and acts

  4. move to ottawa,ontario,canada

    theirs a lot of muslims here

    thats why the islamic religion is highly respected

    n my answer i dont care wut religion u r

    just cuz sum ppl from ur religion did bad things doesnt mean that all muslims r bad

  5. I read the other answers. Here's mine. First, I lost two people I knew who were on the plane which hit the Pentagon. Three days after the attack on America I volunteered to return to active duty in the Navy from the retired list. Unfortunately I am not an Admiral or a doctor, so I was barred from such an action by my age.

    I've also become acutely aware of several groups which have emerged in the nation since the attack of September 11, 2001 and the ensuing military operations against the hirabah (terrorists). First is the "Petey Patriot Platoon"  who have become macabre cheer leaders for the military, even though most of them would not have given the time of day to any man or woman in uniform on September 10, 2001. The second is the "Bleeding Heart Brigade" who bemoan every death in the military, even though most of them weren't a bit upset when 7,500 died during the past administration or the 9,555 who died on active duty between 1980 and 1984.

    Then there is the "Tin Foil Hat Society" whose visceral hatred of George Walker Bush has led them into believing fables disseminated by movies and video tapes which purport to "prove" that commercial aircraft could not have so damaged the two towers in lower Manhattan as to cause those buildings to collapse. So, George Walker Bush must have planted explosives in them to go off and drop the buildings.

    Last, but not least, is the emergence of the "Ostrich Organization". Those who cannot accept we are at war with  an enemy who is perfectly willing to kill everyone in the Jahili world in the conduct of Dar-Al-Harb( world of war) to achieve Dar-Al-Islam (World of Islam) to replace the Jahili world with a caliphate running from Spain to Indonesia. They say that Iraqi operations are about oil, yet don't realize that 85% of Iraqi oil production is under contract to a French firm. They have never bothered to read the public law which authorized those military operations in Iraq. They bemoan some of the laws which came into being since September 11, 2001, but have never read the text of those laws. They bemoan a loss of civil rights, not knowing that one's ability to board a civilian aircraft is a convenience, not a right.

    In short, we've returned to our old ways of griping about things, going back to the mall and blaming everything on George Walker Bush because we view the President as a Federal Wizard King.

    Sorry, I don't belong to any of those groups. We are at war. We will be at war for a long time. We will be attacked in the future on our own shores and we will have to re-direct our visceral hatred towards the new person in the White House without recognizing that the easiest part of the anatomy to operate is the finger of blame.

  6. We have become cautious . And many of the rights  and privacy's we once had are no more.

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