
In what ways is Man causing harm to endangered species???plz help?

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In what ways is Man causing harm to endangered species???plz help?




  1. Reason:

    1. Humans eat fish, chicken, ducks.

    2. Water pollution including throwing six-pack rings into the sea/river.

    3. Cutting their habitat like destroying their forest.

    If you see the IMAX's "Giant Panda Adventure", "Amazing Panda Adventure" or "HOOT", you know why.

    For example in movie, "HOOT." Contracters try to build new motel on Owl's habitat.

    Three children try to stop them from building because Owl was there first.

  2. Man has been a predator from the days in the caves. It is only through his increased intelligence that he has become concerned about his surroundings . An with increased population and the dumbing down of the people more species will become extinct .

  3. The negative impact on wildlife is mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels and generation of electricity through nuclear activity. Marine life is affected when Man extract, refine, transport and generate power from such fossil fuels. Their habitat is destroyed though air and water pollution. Yet, there is no doubt that the most serve threat to wildlife is undeniably global warming.  According to a major study, if Man continues emitting greenhouse gases, at the current rate, an estimated one million species, about forty percent of non-marine species, would be extinct in merely five decades.

    Unfortunately, looking to other sources of energy might not save these endangered animals like birds and bats. Alternative resources like wind power, though is able to meet the wide-spread demand of electricity without creating air water or global warming, can still impact our endangered wildlife species. The machines used in the generation of electricity through wind, wind turbines, are dangerous as birds or even bats mat collide with these massive machines, as a result, may cause fatal injuries. Current studies have shown that an average of about three birds die per megawatt per year. Besides wind turbines, conventional power plants also contribute to the death toll of birds amounting to over one and a half thousand birds in less than ten years.

  4. There are many good answers to this.  Some have been listed in others answers already.  Another answer would be a loss of connectivity between safe havens.  Species become bottle-necked when they get trapped in certain locations and have no chance of maintaining their genetic diversity.  Take the cheetah, it has lost  some 99% of its genetic diversity to this bottlenecking caused by lack of connectivity.  

    Loss of habitat by man is easy to understand.  Furthermore, contamination of viable habitat is costly too.  It might sound funny, but our everyday actions like salting the roads or fertilizing our lawns destroy more and more habitat every year.  

    Go to some conservation talks given by faculty at colleges near you.  Many of these profesors are spear-heading our efforts to repair the damages we have caused, and will be more than willing to answer any questions in person that you might have.

  5. Humans are the key reasons most of the animals are on this list. Deforestation, water pollution, air pollution, we are choking these animals out of their natural habitats so we can build Chucky Cheeses and Shopping Malls.

    oh yeah, hunting too, i forgot all about hunting.

  6. Man can cause different effects judging by the way they react on  the endangered species, an example perhaps is an illegal hunter, they hunt endangered species like the tarsier of the Philippines,  its because of Man's Less regards for life that they dont realize that in fact, they are harming them...

    -"A man is his own weapon of good, and evil" peace...

  7. People expand ..They take up animals  territory..Animals therefore get ex tint..

  8. By destroying habitats, polluting waters, poaching, over fishing, etc.

  9. Habitat destruction and fragmentation, poaching, and by poisoning the ecosystem with pesticides.

  10. It's mainly the loss of habitat, although pollution has finished some fragile species.  (DDT almost got the American Eagle in the 1950's).  The millions of tons of antibiotics and growth hormones dumped into the water each year by the livestock industry have led to advanced drug resistant diseases, and disturbed reproductive cycles affecting  both animals and humans.  What is going on now is larger in scale than any mass extinction, and probably not due to a single cause.  Global Warming plays a larger role every day.  As the Antarctic ice cap melts scientists are finding not just new species, but whole ecosystems unknown to science.  All of them will be gone when the ice is gone, before they can even be studied.  Species thought to be extinct (or mythical) are now suddenly turning up in new areas on a regular basis.  Doubtless they are moving from a habitat that is no longer hospitable to them in search of a new one..  Likewise new species are being discovered almost every day.  At the same time known species are going extinct at a rate of 3 per hour, more than at any time in the planet's history.  Many known species are relocating to new locations for reasons that aren't clear.  A few species seem to have simply vanished.  Many others are being found dead in large numbers, with no obvious cause.

  11. Our wastewater contaminate water in rivers and coastal waters. Basically wastewater consumes all the oxigen needed by acuatic species to live, this is called Biological Oxigen Demand (BOD).

  12. simply by Copulation and pro-Creation...!

    just being here on this planet is Endangering ANY/ALL Plant and Animal Species......may-be re-settlement on another Planet isn`t such a bad choice/idea/princple to consider , after-all...!?

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