
In what ways is the NEW WORLD ORDER already happening?

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I've seen a lot of people on this website and on others (like YouTube) talking about how the NWO is already here. In what ways specifically do you think this is true?

Also how do you think the "normal" things we have as Americans will be altered? Like education, having children and raising a family, getting a job, etc.

Please, only in-depth thinkers and intelligent answers. I don't care if you are a skeptic, I want to hear from the people who actually CARE about this situation.





  1. The New World Order is already here.  It is rapidly changing our way of life from education to careers.  The world is becoming more and more technological and those that do well are those that adapt to the changes.  This Q and A site is one example.  On this site virtua;lly anyone can speak pretty much instantly to anyone else that is listening or reading as the case may be.

  2. The EU is a part of it. The elite want to consolidate the world's governments to make it easier to control. They already control most of the worlds credit and currency.

    They want less sovereign nations to contend with.

  3. Yes,they just haven't told the sheeple.We have a world police,government,and criminal court already via the UN.The EU is a monster outfit.And the NAU will bring it all together in short order.                

  4. No funniness intended Haley but what is the new world order?

    I'm 72 and have never heard of it except in vague futuristic Orwellian terms.

  5. the new world order has not begun yet but will soon be in full effect there are a number of things that are going to happen there has to be one world currency and there is only one world government that will dictate weather you eat or not and when you work and how long you work. there is a big peace missing to this puzzle and that would be called the power and the control. question who has that power? is it the  beast with ten horn's that represent the ten different counties in the bible, because if so this counties represent the ten counties that will have the power for nuclear war and at this time it is only 8 counties that have nuclear bombs close but not there yet Iran, and north Korea are the other to counties competing for nuclear arm's so answer is no not yet. we are still competing for that type of control, and someone to control it.

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