
In what ways is the US government insuring domestic tranquility?

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I'm trying to come up with some good reasons for a school project but I'm coming up short, any help?




  1. I would guess it's by employing an army to defend our nation, or by having a police force to protect our citizens.

  2. not to be sarcastic, but with the gas prices being what they are and the economy at an all time low, and the unemployment rate and housing market and banks going out of business every day. Somehow I don,t see any tranquility here. With all our current problem from crime rates rising to illegal border crossing, somehow i,m not seeing what the government is. From past experience it is an election year and they always pull this c**p to make our next pres look like a hero. It is what is commonly referred to in Washington as "the money game:" It,s their way of pacifying the public while they live the high life. Notice how they start the gas prices at say 3.00/gallon and raise it to say 4.50/gallon then when they drop it back down to say 3.89/gallon, everyone is happy not realizing they have just been hosed. They call it domestic tranquility, I call it the shaft.

  3. Here's some U.S. stability and tranquility:

    Use everything here for your project. Yes, you will be maligned, castigated and impugned, but you will have been HONEST. Plus, you will blow all those so-called "teachers" right out of their Disney-land fantasies, because their federal NEA instruction is nothing but a bundle of lies.

    Wish you the best, young lad! Have fun and keep a smile on your face while you give the presentation.

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