
In what ways was the Articles of Confederation effective? Did it help solve any problems?

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In what ways was the Articles of Confederation effective? Did it help solve any problems?




  1. The Articles of Confederation were effective in small, but important ways.   First, it created a forum for uniting the highly independent colonies to talk about emerging commerce, military, and political problems affecting the colonies.   Second, it initiated critical political thought processes for the governing heads of each colony. It caused the New World colonies to organize more effectively.   Third, it was the very first recognizable step on the path that ultimately led to the declaring of independence.

    The Articles created as many problems as they solved hence its poor reputation.   The fact is that the weaknesses, continental and colonial, of the Articles of Confederation became the real world basis for creating the new constitution (1787-89).   Just as a person must go through puberty to mentally and physically become an adult, the AoC  were the puberty stage that begot the United States.

    In writing papers about pieces of history like the AoC, look at the events just prior (ex ante) and after (ex post) the event.  Things must be viewed in context and as a segment in a continuous string of events that make up history.

  2. Considering that it was a quickly patched together stopgap measure to provide a government for a new country, it wasn't too bad. But it was recognized from the beginning that something better thought out would have to replace it. And that's what happened.

    We were certainly fortunate that the framers of the constitution were people like Washington and Madison and Adams and Hamilton, and not like Dubya and Cheney and Gonzalez and Scalia.

  3. It wasn't really effective and it caused more problems than it solved. However, it did set up some form of law for our new country and I guess was a good precedent for the constitution.

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