
In what ways was the Declaration of Independence not a great document?

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I have to write an essay on this topic and I have no idea where to start!





  1. Jefferson's typewriter was broken and all of the esses came out looking like effs.

  2. He did a magnificent job on the preamble, but the litany of grievances (I've often called this Jefferson's B**ch list) was almost absurd to lay at George III's door.

    Even Thomas Paine said "A king has nothing more to do than make wars and give away places" so, in spite of the fact that everything on the list had been done in the king's name, George was hardly to blame for the actions of Parliament and the War office.

  3. It was a bit racist. Mentions a few things on 'Indian savages' and the like.

  4. This link is free:

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    these should prime the pump for you.

  5. Wow...  In what ways was it NOT great..?

    Interesting.  Kudos to your teacher.

    I'd start with the fact that the DoI was an extreme exaggeration of the facts in hand.  Americans were not being as horribly maltreated by their British ruling government as the document would have us believe.

    The taxes were high because the crown at to spend a lot of money fighting wars (like the French and Indian War) to protect the colonies.  Also, the crown spent considerable sums of money maintaining the largest fleet on the high seas to protect shipping that was the life-line for the colonists.  Isn't it fair that the colonies should share in the monetary burden?

    There had also been a steady progression over the last century in the colonies being given the right to rule themselves without interference.  The rights reserved to the crown were those that were necessary to establish international commerce, trade and treaties.

    The DoI was also "not great" because it was in many ways a compromise.  Each word was carefully used to avoid antagonizing the slave-owners of the South while infusing as much of the anti-slavery rhetoric as possible.  (Ironically, this was done by the chief writer:  Tom Jefferson, a slave owner himself)

    Hopefully, that will get you started.

  6. If not for that document there would have been nobody to save the Brits from the Germans in two world wars.

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