
In what would you try to find a person's innocence...?

by  |  earlier

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in how they behave when they love or in the way they behave when they hate?




  1. love

  2. ...I think when they hate...or, at least, when they are seems people resort back to child-like behavior when very angry...myself included...the innocence part takes over and reactions can be from the heart of the10 yr old we once were...good thing it's only temporary, at least in this instance  :)

  3. Innocence is seen in the way a person loves.  Ignorance is seen in the way a person hates.

  4. The way they behave when they hate.

  5. One always finds innocence within the mind.

  6. it's all in the eyes..the window to the soul....

  7. Innocence, once lost, can still be found in each person, but there's no one way to find it. You can't just assume that it will show up in their love or in their hate, that's not broad enough. It will show up ...somewhere, unique to each person.  I think that it requires the right person to bring it out in another person once it is mostly lost.

  8. Neither in the way that they play card/board/sporty games

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