
In what year did U.S. High Schools and Colleges allow high school students to take courses for dual credits?

by Guest62208  |  earlier

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You know how some High School Juniors and Seniors are taking classes at community colleges for college credit while at the same time getting credit for high school as well? What year did the U.S start allowing this? I know it's been in place for awhile, I'm just curious how long it's actually been an option.




  1. The Middle College Program is a high school alternative program first established in New York. It is a collaboration between a high school district and a community college to allow high school students that are struggling or need a different learning environment to thrive. Students take a combination of core high school courses and college courses to receive their diploma and graduate.

    The first Middle College Program began as a charter high school at LaGuardia Community College. It opened in 1974 as an alternative high school under the joint auspices of the New York City Board of Education and LaGuardia Community College of the City University of New York. It was funded by grants from the Carnegie Corporation and the Fund for the Improvement for Post Secondary Education.


    ^_^ I'm a high school junior that's co-enrolled in community college. I just finished the quarter today. I took two quarters of Korean during thr summer quarter that was put into six weeks when it's usually spread across 20-24.



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