
In which category Cellar falls ? Options are: Flowers, Vegetables, Clothes, Cereals, Instrument & Furniture?

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In which category Cellar falls ? Options are: Flowers, Vegetables, Clothes, Cereals, Instrument & Furniture?




  1. You could possibly make an argument for "furniture," since (for example) wine cellars are rooms with specific types of shelves and cabinets.  Are you certain it wasn't "collar"?  That would fit under "clothes."

  2. cellar is a basement

  3. what's that celler?

  4. A cellar is a type of basement, primarily used for the storage of food and drink (especially wine) for use throughout the year. A cellar is intended to remain at a constant cool (not freezing) temperature all year round. Cellars are more common in older houses than in modern houses, and were important shelters from air raids during World War II. In parts of the U.S. that are prone to tornadoes, cellars still serve as shelter in the event of a direct hit on the house from a tornado or other storm damage caused by strong winds.

    Except for Britain, Australia and New Zealand, cellars are popular in most western countries. In Britain, people tend to store food and drink in a garage, if at all. However, the majority of continental Europeans have cellars. In North America, cellars usually are found in rural or older homes.

  5. Flowers

  6. Cellar:

    1. The lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage

    2. Storage space where wines are stored

    3. An excavation where root vegetables are stored

    Therefore it doesn't come in any of your given options!

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