
In which century india lives, 21st century technology being used to to show 17th century barabarism?

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indian satelite channels are obsessed with 17th century barabarism and rituals. is It the people owning 21st century gadgets relish primitive and senseless features.

the channels think Bihar lives in 12 th century , delhi is still ruled by Bahadur shah jaffer, rajasthan have feudal rulers like ranapratap

is this india shining and whining




  1. Part of India wants to progress but the part that doesn't is still winning unfortunately.

    Although not all of so-called progress has helped anyone that much.

    India might just have something other places don't!

  2. See among Indians there are 70% villagers,who are far away from the modern world.The villagers still follow the old traditions,superstitions and rituals.Their mentality is also the primitive type.

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