
In which city was the United Nations created?

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In which city was the United Nations created?




  1. San Francisco.

  2. brussels

  3. The headquarters is on international territory in Manhattan, New York City.  The United Nations Charter was signed in San Francisco California, 1945 by 50 of the 51 original member countries.

  4. The UN was founded upon the organization that came before it- The League of Nations, drafted at the Paris Peace Conferences after WWI and based in Geneva. Though the headquarters for the the UN are now in NY, its roots lie with its predecessor in Geneva.

  5. Location: The United Nations headquarters is in New York City. The buildings contain chambers for the Security Council and General Assembly as well as offices for the secretary-general and other international civil servants. The site, at East 46th Street and First Avenue in Manhattan, is considered "international territory" and is, therefore, not technically part of the United States.

  6. it's stationed in nyc...i don't know if that's what you're asking

  7. brussells

  8. It was built in New York City

  9. a town on Long Island, near NYC.

  10. NY?

  11. San Francisco




  12. San Francisco, California.

    It's true.  Look it up.

  13. Geneva?

  14. The Charter was signed in San Francisco. The intitial headquarters was at Lake Success on Long Island in New York State. The current headquarters is on the east side of Manhattan in New York City.

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