
In which continent is surinam.which countries are its neighbours.and what is their courency?

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In which continent is surinam.which countries are its neighbours.and what is their courency?




  1. In South America, bordered by Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana.

  2. I'd say that both of the first two answers sum it up....

    I do however ask Unoamev to start checking her sources better before posting.... as what she posted about, "most of the people from Suriman are from Dutch descent as this country was formally a Dutch colony".

    Yes, Surinam was a Dutch colony and therefore the majority speak Dutch but I would definately not say that the people are of Dutch descent.  Just take a look around at the people of Surinam and I think it would be easy to see that they are most deffinately NOT of Dutch decent.  If that were true then it would be a mostely white country or the Netherlands would be mostly Black and Amerindian...

  3. It's in northern South America, surrounded by the French Guiana (east), Guayana (west) and Brazil (south). The northern border is the atlantic coast. Their currency is the Surinamese dollar. Suriname's official language is Dutch, and as a curiosity, F.C. Barcelona's current manager Frank Rijkaard is of Surinamese descent (he's dutch).

  4. Republic of Suriname is the former Dutch Guiana, it's located in South America. Its neighbours are the French Guiana, Guyana and Brazil. Currency is the Surinamese Dollar.

  5. Very few people are aware that Surinam is in South America. It lies between (or surrounded by) French Guyana, Guayana, Brazil and the Atlantic ocean. The capital is Paramaribo and most of the people from Suriman are from Dutch descent as this country was formally a Dutch colony.

    It's currency is the dollar (their surimanese dollar not the US dollar). Most of the people from Surinam are now a mixture between dutch and indians.

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