
In which country in the world can you be sent to prison for not subscribing to state run television?

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.... yep you guessed it!

Is it just in the UK that this can happen, or does it happen in other countries? I am aware other countries have TV licences, but which ones send you to jail for non-compliance?

Dear old 'Aunty'!!




  1. This is someone falling for the Murdoch propaganda.

    That guy wants you to subscibe to him as a monopoly so that he can bombard you with his propaganda and view of the world. Whilst I now have my doubts about the BBC after the Murder of dr. Kelly it is basically our one media protection from the complete take over of our social life by rampart consumerism which has much to answer for in the breakdown of our society  

  2. Yes, this whole 'digital swichover' thing makes me rather nervous. It smacks of an Orwellian state.

  3. South Africa is one.  If you believe the BBC propaganda, there are loads of other countries.   The BBC is extremely deceitful about the whole licence system

    This is the woman responsible :

    Feel free to write to her about it.

    Daniel R: Err.. no, you don't pay the licence fee in order to own a television, you pay the fee to receive transmissions. If you use a TV to play DVDs, computer games, etc you don't need a licence.

    How the licence fee is spent is not relevant to this question.

  4. Look, all your misrepresentations don't change the fact that you pay the licence to HAVE a television. That's all.

    The government can choose what to do with the money it collects from this tax. It so happens that most of it goes to the BBC, with some going to Channel 4.

    This is exactly the same situation with your car tax. You have to pay to have a car, and the government chooses what to do with the money. In fact, motorist pressure groups often complain that in this case the government *doesn't* spend all or most of the money on the roads.  

  5. canada also

  6. yeah i'm sure it's great britan

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