
In which country is Denial?

by Guest61011  |  earlier

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I've seen lots of references to people being in denial, yet I've never managed to find this town (or city) on any atlas or roadmap. So does anyone know where it is, and how many actually live there (quite a lot, apparently)?




  1. Every single one of them...

  2. o_O

    hahaha, i read in a book once, denial is not a river in egypt.

    made me laugh. ^^

  3. You have actually managed to misquote an old joke.  The joke is about people being "in the state of denial."  In which STATE is Denial?

  4. the nile-its a river,in egypt, funny one.

  5. you either genuinely don't know the answer or you are having a laugh.

    if you really don't know let me tell you that denial is not a country.

    the expression 'to be in denial' means  a defence mechanism in which a person is faced with a fact that is painful to accept  

  6. Egypt

    Cleopatra was Queen of Denial.

  7. its in oklahomo. where the g*y cowboys run wilde through the water. I suggest you stay away from oklahomo.

  8. Has to be the USA!

    Prepositions cause problems in every language.

    My step-son, neither a native German or English speaker called me on my mobile and wanted to meet me in half an hour. I said,'Ich bin in Baden' - 'I'm in Baden.'  - He said, 'OK, I have to take a shower. In an hour.' 'No, luv, I'm IN Baden, not 'AM Baden'. 'Am Baden' means taking a bath.

  9. it's global , there is no need for the capital letter .

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