
In which period temple of vaishnodevi built?

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In which period temple of vaishnodevi built?




  1. According to the legends, Vaishno Devi took birth around 700 years ago. The girl was a true devotee of Lord Rama (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) and swore to remain celibate throughout her life. In those times, Bhairon Nath learned about the powers of the Goddess. Being a tantrik, he tried to capture the girl with powers. With his tantric (black-magic) powers, he saw the girl going towards Trikoot Mountain.

    Unaware about the Goddess, Bhairon Nath started to chase the girl. The Goddess ran to save herself, when she felt thirsty, she shot an arrow in the ground and the water gushed out. Ever since, the gush is flowing ceaselessly and is known as Ban Ganga. Till date, the imprints of her feet are marked on the banks of Ban Ganga and known as 'Charan Paduka'. After this incident, the Goddess went into a cave at Ardhkuari for meditation.

    Bhairon Nath took around nine months to find this cave. The meditation was disturbed when Bhairon came at the cave and the Goddess made on opening at the other end of the cave with her trident. From that time, this cave came to be known as 'Garbha Joon'. The Goddess ran further on the hill and when Bhairon tried to kill Vaishno Devi, she emerged in the form of Maha Kali. She cut off Bhairon Nath's head, which flung up the mountain by the force of the blow.

    Today, Bhairon Temple is standing on the place where once his head was knocked down. The area is known as Bhairon Ghati and it is at a distance of 2.5 kms from the holy cave. In the last moments, Bhairav Nath beseeched the Goddess for forgiveness. Vaishno Devi knew that the objective behind the attack was to attain salvation. The Goddess liberated Bhairon from the cycle of life and death.

    In addition to it, Mata acclaimed that whosoever, come to her cave also has to visit Bhairon Temple in order to complete their pilgrimage. Soon after this, Vaishno assumed the image of a rock in the form of three 'Pindis' and absorbed herself into meditation forever. As per the sayings, the rock at the entrance of the holy cave is the horrified torso of Bhairon Nath, who was forgiven by Vaishno Devi in his last moments.


  3. it is build in b/w 930-950AD.

    good luck.


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