
In which weeks of the pregnancy can i feel the movements of the baby?

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In which weeks of the pregnancy can i feel the movements of the baby?




  1. between 16 and 20 weeks is rather normal. heavier woman have a harder time. and if your palcenta is anterior it can muffle the kicks as well.

    but by 6 months you should feel more and more every week. by the time 8 months rolls around you start to wish you couldnt feel so much. lol.

  2. I started to feel the first flutters at around 14 weeks which is very early. Normally, you'd start to feel movements at around 18 weeks but everyone is different. It also depends on how active your baby is. Some babies are quite sleepy and don't move very much whereas others are very active and move all day long! Some women find it difficult to feel movements in the early days whereas others feel it quite easily. it's very individual. Don't worry if you're not feeling them yet, you will in time.  

  3. i think about 16 weeks!  

  4. usually around 10 weeks

  5. well am 4 months pregnant and allready l can here some few light movement in my stomach,l think from 4 months up wards.

  6. I saw that someone posted at 16 weeks but I honestly don't remember feeling the baby move any until like the 25-30th weeks and then once you do finally feel it, it is the most weirdest yet amazing feeling ever! Then during the last couple of weeks it's annoying! : )

  7. I felt my baby at 18 weeks and by 22 weeks my husband could feel him too.

  8. i think i was 20-22 weeks. at first it was like butterflies or weird gas bubbles. pretty soon she started kicking real hard and you could actually see my stomach moving alot!  

  9. on the 4th month of your pregnacy enjoy it!!!!!!!

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