
In which year and century gover the Muslim west Europe ?

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In which year and century gover the Muslim west Europe ?




  1. Al andlusia was the Arabic name given to those parts of the Iberian Peninsula governed by Muslims, or Moors, at various times in the period between 711 and 1492.[1] It refers to the Umayyad Caliphate province (711-750), Emirate of Córdoba (c. 750-929) and Caliphate of Córdoba (929-1031) and its "taifa" ("successor") kingdoms.

    As the Iberian Peninsula was eventually regained by Christians re-expanding southward in the process known as the Reconquista, the name Al-Andalus came to refer to the Muslim-dominated lands of the former Visigothic Hispania.

    In 1236, the Reconquista progressed to the last remaining Islamic stronghold, Granada, achieved by the forces of Ferdinand III of Castile. Granada was a vassal state to Castile for the next 256 years, until January 2, 1492, when Boabdil surrendered complete control of Granada to Ferdinand and Isabella, Los Reyes Católicos ("The Catholic Monarchs"). The Portuguese Reconquista culminated in 1249 with the conquest of Algarve by Afonso III.

  2. seventh and early 8th.  They entered Spain in 711.  And they stayed until they were expelled in 1492.  

    They covered almost all of the Iberian Peninsula for a short time, but the Goths almost immediately began to push them back, and they lived in Andalucía longer than any other region, but their influence was strong in many places north as far as Madrid and Segovia, Toledo!!!

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