
In world of warcraft what race+class should i be ?

by Guest55754  |  earlier

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i wanted to make a new class and maybe on a new sever. if u guys have characters on a sever we can group.




  1. it depends on what u like. my personal favorite is warlocks because i like spell casting types and their pets can work as tanks. they make great solos. if u like combat, i suggest a warrior, paladin, or a rouge. if u like spell casters like me I'd choose a priest, druid, warlock, mage (die alot), shamans. if u wanna go solo choose a warlock, shaman, warrior, hunter. healers choose druid, priest, paladin, also think of a draenei. I personally think race isn't important. But I'm sort of a alliance man.

    I have a night elf warrior on Alleria name Manazana. And a gnome rouge on Alexstraza named Uz if u wanna group.

  2. Each race has their own special abilities. I personally like Horde. for horde, i would be a Rogue rougue, Orc Shaman, Tauren Druid, Belf Pally, Undead or Belf mage, Undead or Belf warlock and undead or Belf priest.

    For Alliance, i would be Dwarf warrior, gnome mage, gnome warlock, human or Nelf priest, Nelf druid, human or dwarf pally, gnome rougue

    it also depends on if you want to be a two or one handed weapon wielder. Your choice of race will very between your choice in weapons. you might want to know which spec and professions you are going to be.

    I suggest read the racial abilities of each race and then make your decission.

  3. It all depends on what you like to play if you like to stand back and destroy stuff be a spell caster if you like to be up in peoples face....melee class  if you like both go with a druid or shamen

    as for race each race has race has unique skills abilities. There no such thing as a wrong race or a wrong class. Each race has skills  can support their given class.  

  4. My first Character I made was a retribution draenei paladin, about to switch to holy spec. All depends if u go horde or alliance, how far into end game playing you will play, and wheter or not u want to do arena mainly or instances. For pvp dps classes (like a ret paladin) but for instances the ones that are always in high demand are the tanks and healers. Race isn't too big of a factor, but just make sure you make a noob character and try out their racial abillities. Undead and gnomes are good spell casters because they have a freedom of movement racial. Draenei are good healers because they have gift of naaru which heals over time, and orcs are good at dps because of bloodlust. Nightelves are handy because they have a special stealth, Taurens have war stomp, Belfs have mana drain and humans have stealth detection.

  5. I'm on Bourderfist,

    I don't see too many female gnome warriors...

    I do see too many female human mages though

  6. Race: What ever you want, I think blood elves, Night elves, Humans, Dwarfs, Orcs, Goblins and Undead are very good, although it doesn't really matter, they're all the same apart from the way they look.

    Class: What ever you want. Each class has their own weaknesses and strengths. I heard rogues are good for leveling.

  7. Race ability wise.

    PVE - Alliance

    PVP - Horde

    class doesnt matter, just choose what you want for that.

    no matter what you choose you will always have problems with someone else.

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