
In yahoo radio, why does a song i've rated 'never play again', end up being played again?

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I'm even using Launchcast plus! Not like it's the free version.




  1. There are 2 likely reasons, and a couple of less likely reasons.  I'll just list the main 2:

    #1 - You aren't listening to your own station, you are listening to one of the preprogrammed stations.  Your ratings, including your Never Play ratings ONLY affect what you hear on your own station.  Your ratings do not influence what you hear on any of the preprogrammed stations.

    #2 - On your own station, you might be getting a different instance of the same song.  For example, Yahoo might have 25 separate recordings of Barry Manilow's "Oh Mandy": once from the original album, once from a remastered version of the album, once from a single, ten times from ten different "Best Of" albums, etc.  You would have to mark ALL of the different Oh Mandys to Never Play to insure that you never hear any of them.  Launchcast isn't smart enough to apply one Oh Mandy Never Play to all the other Oh Mandys it has in its library.  (In fact, it would be bad if it did: You might like the studio version of Oh Mandy but hate the live version.)

    Finally, these answers are the same if you have free Launchcast or Plus.  Plus and Free are the same in this respect.

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