
In you opinion, who is worse: the ex, in-laws, or the ex's in-laws?

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In you opinion, who is worse: the ex, in-laws, or the ex's in-laws?




  1. ????????????????

  2. The ex...

    I still love his parents.  

  3. The ex. His family is great.

  4. If I read your question right, you are asking if your ex's in-laws are worse. Well, ex's in laws would be your parents. I certainly hope nobody finds them worse than ex and their parents, which incidentally, I find them both to be the worst.

  5. My ex-in-laws definitely!

  6. it depends on the relationship you have with them if you only divorce because you were both have fallen out of love and there are no arguing going on then you have a decent relationship with your ex, however if you feel the ex in laws or current in laws don't like you and are doing everything in their power to break you apart you will dislike them the most. If you had rotten in-laws and cheating spouse you will dislike all of them the same and keep the kids away from them as much as possible, that's just life. Personally I would not have anything to do with my mother in law if something would happen between me and hubby even though we get along I still have past dislike for her when she thought I was a gold digger, sorry i am not and her son doesn't come from money and with his spending habits will never have it, as he says live for today worry about tomorrow when it gets here, I say a penny saved is a penny earned to different life reasoning's.

  7. All of the above.

  8. All three

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