
In your OPINION, what is the DIFFERANCE b/w MAN AND WOMAN??

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  1. the below thingy... duh!

  2. Men usually have bigger feet than women. Off hand that's all I can think of.

  3. That reminds me of a funny theory my father (now deceased) used to say, now mind you , he was very "old school" and back in the early 70's, would say "The only way you can tell the difference between boys and girls is to pull their pants down" 'caues everybody had long hair back then. I miss my dad.

  4. Man is handsome, woman being pretty less ugly

    Woman has more but man have &get less

    Woman can give birth, man gives sperm

    Man usually has short hair and woman, long but nowadays there are man that look like woman, a reverse.

    Woman wears skirt and man, pants but there are also the reverse in Scotland & Greece.

    Is it too long............... then cut it short ---Bye.  

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