
In your Opinion is it morally wrong to download copyrighted material from file sharing site's?

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This is just an opinion question not whether it is illegal or not (which it isn't illegal it just may include civil penalties not federal or state penalties) but i just want to here everyone's thoughts and comments on the subject. Please chime in best descriped with reasons why wins the ten points.




  1. It is stealing the results of someone Else's work. It is criminally wrong, it is just a misdemeanor not a felony. The artists and the record companies own that material. They spent the time and money to produce it so should be paid for it. Any other result is just rationalizing your desire to get something for nothing.


  2. I don't think its morally wrong.  

  3. Depends what you are using it for.

    If you are downloading a few songs to burn onto a CD that you are going to listen to yourself,I see nothing wrong with it. When I was growing up back in the 70's we used to tape songs off the radio all the time. Basically the same thing.

    Now if you are downloading tons of songs,burning them onto CD's and selling them,that I think is totally wrong.

  4. Yes, I believe it's morally wrong and stupid as well. Authors and musicians have a right to earnings from their work. If file sharing sites continue to proliferate and people continue to use them, many authors and artists will not be able to make a decent living and will stop producing. How would you like it if you made something and someone stole it? Downloading copyrighted stuff is EXACTLY the same thing.

  5. Depends. Are you downloading material reproduced by the affluent? In that case, no, download all you want. So what if they have to sacrifice a private jumbo jet and fly in a smaller one? But if the material you downloaded is reproduced by an average, not-so-wealthy group or person, then yes. They should be given a chance at riches and fame, unless they obviously weren't cut for the job that they currently are trying to succeed in, for example, Soulja Boy, download all his **** illegally. He's so horrible my head nearly exploded when his c**p was played over the radio OVER and OVER and OVER again. Bankrupt that fool.

  6. Of course it's ok, if it's for private use, don't forget that if in uk you have probably been charged a stealth tax(tv license fee) for the right to own recordings of anything that has been shown on tv.

    We often hear the entertainment industry cry ' we're losing millions '  , this is a lie and illogical  YOU CANNOT LOSE SOMETHING YOU NEVER HAD.  If i decide i want to download series 4 of stargate does that mean if i couldn't i would go out and buy it? of course i wouldn't i'd just wait for it to come round on tv. If you buy a dvd you can let your friends watch it ,can't you.

    I once legally downloaded some albums it was a nightmare, they wouldn't burn to disc and on jan 1st the licenses expired and needed renewing---massive hassle and assumes you still have internet.

    All in all the artists don't appear to be suffering poverty like we do.

  7. Yes and no.  Yes, I think its wrong because it is essentially stealing.  On the no side, up until the last couple years it was impossible to buy a digital copy of the music, and even more impossible to buy a digital copy of an individual song.  Now that those things are all possible, I have to lean more towards yes, its probably morally wrong.  Bottom line, selling music is the way most musical artists make their money.  And downloading music without paying is stealing.  But then again (there is always a 'then again'), most of the musical artists in my collection have more money at their disposal at any one time then I will have had my entire life, so I dont feel bad for it.

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