
In your divorce, were you awarded joint legal custody...?

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of your child/children? Does it work out for you? can you come to a decision TOGETHER or is it really hard?

I have sole legal, there was no way my ex would ever had been able to come to a decision with me, so there was no other choice...

But... did YOU make it work, with joint legal? Are you having incredible problems?? I'd like to hear from the other side of the custody situation...




  1. I have never had an issue making a joint custody decision with my ex.

    I find it interesting that you say you have sole legal custody since your ex would never have been able to come to a decision with you.  What make you so sure that your ex is the one who has the problem coming to a joint decision?  Maybe he was making a ton of sense and you just didn't want to let him have any control.  I hope you're not one of those mothers that think they are the ultimate authority on child rearing and that any opposition to your decisions means the other person is unfit and unreasonable.

    When an issue arises that I need a joint decision, I call my ex, explain the problem and then we each give the other person our perspectives.  Once we know what the other person's concerns are, we can find a solution that benefits our child and doesn't leave either one of us uncertain or left out of the process.  

  2. ive been divorced since my daugther was 2, shes now 20..and i was given sole physical and legal ex was a drug abuser, didnt support our daughter nor did he come to visit her, even though we lived in the same small city..he never even tried to get any kind of custody but if he had, i would have fought him to the death.  

  3. joint, but she is custodial parent.  I have 50% visitation.  -- I talk to the cheating w***e the least I can.

  4. You should definitely try mediation in the first instance and if it goes down the court route your solicitor or you should remind him that the child's welfare is paramount.  

    Unfortunately i have seen too many parent engage in points scoring off each other with no respect for the emotions of children.

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