
In your estimation, what is the important virtue of all?

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The most important virtue to pass onto others especially children, in my opinion, is kindness. A kind heart is immeasurable in its worth.




  1. Being smart enough to understand that there is no single answer to complicated questions such as this one, that would be something great to teach my children.

  2. i think there is a lot of important virtues

    the most important to me personally, is kindness, ambition, perseverence, wisdom, and patience  

  3. Non maleficence, the duty not to injure others. This ranges from telling lies to physically harming another person.

  4. The number of virtues is endless. Kindness, patience, and so much more. I agree with you. If we teach our children to be kind, they will teach their children to be kind. What we need is a world full of kind people, and I wish everyone could pass on kindness to their offspring. Very interesting question!  

  5. 'Regard for Others', which of course would inherently include Kindness.

    Definitely the most lacking virtue, including myself.

    Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You!

  6. Love.

    If you don't have that then you have nothing.

    Absolutely nothing.

  7. To be able   to  REALLY  listen  to  bothh  yourself  and  others!!

  8. I think spelling and grammar are about equal. Most.

  9. Will power.  This is indeed a virtue.  I value will power over everything, and it will help everyone more than anything else.

  10. friendship? so many things come with a true friendship that it would cover a lot of life's important virtues...but it also depends to whom you're a good friend to. if you're friends with a nice, shy, person then there's not really anything to work on. . since they usually get along with everyone. but if you, yourself, are an a*****e, and your best friend is an a*****e, then that is a true friendship. haha. just like me. we've both agreed we're a******s, but we would trade the world for each other... and that's a true friendship...

  11. I say be non-virtuous Do Not Under Any Circumstance Cultivate Virtue. Lau Tzu Said" A truly virtuous man does not even know the meaning of the word." Basically true virtue comes without thought without striving for it, so there is no need at all to pass it to another if it is within them to be so they will with or without help. And as sad as it may seem if they are not virtuous No amount of passing will make them thus.

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