
In your experience, do you think girls are whinier than boys?

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In your experience, do you think girls are whinier than boys?




  1. yes.

  2. My mom says I was whinier than my brothers but my son is definitely whinier than his female cousin his age.

  3. my daughter doesn't whine that much.  she begs but not whines.

  4. no..maybe later in life but as kids I think its the boys

  5. Boys are not as "needy" as girls. I have two daughters, ages 3 and 7, and a son, age 15 months. I have found that both of my daughters needed more than my son has.

  6. Yes and No. let me explain:

    It's all about how the kids are raised actually. Most people try to raise their boys to believe that they shouldn't whine or complain and that they should just "tough it out".

    Most parents on the other hand are more lenient towards girls, in part, I think, because we still expect women to play the role of the damsel in distress, and whine and complain until somebody does something to alleviate the problem. Most boys are taught to be proactive and to fix the things that are giving them problems and things head on, where as girls are taught to be more submissive and that other people will take care of things for them.

    As much as we can preach about equality of genders, etc., we still socialize our children in ways that produce this sort of behavior and enforce gender stereotypes. It's a sad truth.

    Best of luck.  

  7. My boy is 7 years old and my girl will be 6 months in a few days. My boy didn't start to become a whiny child until he started school. I guess it gave him more of a reason to whine about things. He doesn't do it so much that I can't handle, if he goes overboard with it I put him back in his place and he usually obliges. Can't really tell how much my daughter will whine since she is still young, but from having other relatives with girls I feel that girls are much worse since they express their feelings more easily then boys do. Boys usually can hold it in and won't express until they need to while girls just do it without thinking about it. My daughter has been good so far, she whines about regular things like wanting to get changed, or the need to eat because she is hungry or she wants to be played with. The usual, wait until she gets older I feel she'll be a handful. I am so scared when that day comes but I'm sure I'll be ready for it.

  8. In my experiances as a teacher and as a mother I have noticed that girls do whine more than boys.  Its all in consistency with stopping it...God bless!

  9. With my children I was lucky that none of them were whiners.

    On the other hand, one of my granddaughters is a big whiner.

  10. None of my kids were really whiners except when they were tired.

    In my experience, I think it depends on the parents. Some of my girlfriends babied their sons and in turn, they were extremely whiny and clingy. Some of them gave in to their daughter's every need and want and they in turn became extremely whiny. My kids knew that I had zero tollerance for whining, so it rarely happened.

  11. I think boys are whinier then girls I have a 7 year old boy who whines all the time more then my 4 year old and 1 year old girl! And a lot of my friends think there boys are whinier also.

  12. In my experience as having one boy and one girl, I'd say yes. LOL..My daughter is much more screamier and whiney than my son is or ever was.  

  13. Being a pediatric nurse for 3 years I learned that i isn't the gender of the kids it is the way parents associate with there kids. So basically I believe its the parenting..I'm not going to lie because my little girl Bianca loves to whine that is just her personality and she is smart enough to know I cant stand whining and I just give into it, as for Hannah I haven't heard her whine about something ever since she learned how to speak.

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