
In your experience, do you think guys prefer a size 2 girl over a size 10 or vice versa?

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In your experience, do you think guys prefer a size 2 girl over a size 10 or vice versa?




  1. Well it would depend on height. But really, a size 10 would obviously be more appealing than someone who is the same size as the average 11 year old, don't you think?

  2. Guys prefer women that look good to them, some like a slimmer girl, and some like a fuller girl.  Of course, a size 10 isn't that big.  The most recent winner of America's Next Top Model, Whitney Thompson, is reportedly a size 10.

  3. Peoples taste are greatly vast  and people like a  variety of differences. There are guys that go crazy for super fat chicks, just like there are men who like pencil thin girls with no breast!

    It is all a matter of taste! Girls with a bit of meat I think are the most natural version of women!

  4. Who Likes Fat Girls

  5. It's funny you hear all the propoganda about how "everyone" wants a blonde who is a size two, but my experiences have definitely proven otherwise! I'll tell you the true story that MOST women's and fitness magazines don't want you to know...

    In my personal experiences, when I was a tiny teenaged girl and size 3 or so, guys didn't look twice at me.  In fact, I was told several times that I was "too skinny." Even at size 10 or 12 (in my late 20s-early 30s), I wasn't always noticed...or asked out!

    It wasn't until AFTER I turned 37, and became a size 14/16 that men finally started looking and approaching (could've been the bodacious "girlz" lol...or my acquired tendency not to be so self-conscious and worry about what others think?)

    and now there are actually college guys who try to hit on me now, despite the fact that I am nearly 50 and weigh over 200 lbs!  In fact, over the past 12 years,  I only have ever had one guy reject me for being 'too fat' and he did that sight unseen over the telephone!  A few months later, when we did meet up f2f, he said, "oh, I guess you're not THAT's plain you work out!"  I guess he though he was giving me a compliment :( He did end up asking me out, but I turned him down...just didn't like his attitude!

    Anyway, the most pleasant surprise I ever had when it came to men noticing me was last year when I traveled to Malibu, CA on vacation (yeah, the city known for blonde botoxed skinny babes) and despite being big, black and older, I was flirted with left and right by guys of varying ages. I though maybe it was just a fluke, so I went back this year for vaykay and the same thing happened AGAIN!  

    Oh, if only I could afford to move there hee hee...

    and I can tell you for a fact that in the Pacific Northwest, especially Portland, Oregon ... it is NOT unusual to see really good looking successful guys who date/marry women who are considerably larger than themselves. Some of those women could even be considered obese by most standards.  In fact, back in 2003, the dating website did a survey and in Portland, there was a higher percentage of people who said they preferred their potential dates to be heavier than average. Interesting, eh?

    I think a lot more depends on the individual woman and the way she carries herself re: her attitude than her particular dress or body size!  Sure, I hear fellows all the time rag about wanting the "babes" and how they don't want "fat chicks" but yet, when they meet the right girl to make a committment to, I noticed that oftentimes those girls are decidely larger sized!

    So moral of these stories?  when it comes to men and mate selection, there is a lid for every pot! What they say they WANT and who they actually SELECT (or settle for) are often two different things lol.

  6. Honestly, for most guys I know it's more about proportion rather than size, and for me at least, a cute face and cheerful personality trump all.  I've been attracted to short, skinny women, taller, more pear-shaped women, chubby women (bigger than a size 10, I'd imagine), athletic women...I think that my crushes/attractions have covered all body types.

  7. Nothing wrong with a little meat... to a point.. too much is too much.  There is a line somewhere in there that no one really wants to cross.

  8. omg! is a size ten  big!? that why you put it as the opposite of 2? ok I am a size 10 and boys LOVE me so I really dont know..but my brothers prefer like an 6 0r 8 because they think size 2 are too skinny with no curves

  9. Which ever one is the nicest and likes to play (both sexually and actually having fun) more.

  10. A size 2 would be fine ,,,,,,,,, if she was 5' -5'2"

    A size 10 would be fine if she was 5'9" -5'11"

  11. Size 6 for me.

  12. What heterosexual dude memorizes and can discern between women's sizes?

  13. If guys prefer a size 2, then they should prefer petite women. There are a lot of us who are considerably taller and size 10 is thin for us.

  14. i guess the sizes are american, it is all down to personal taste at the end of the day. each to their own and live and let live.

  15. I agree with Braun, but I would guess a ten cause I like a little junk in the trunk.

  16. Depends on the guy.  If he's a jerk and only likes models, then maybe a size 2.  10 isn't even that big, though.  I've been told I'm a perfect size 8, so my body type fits that and I'm still on the thin side (I'm just tall, big frame, you know).  Size 10 is pretty good, so I'd say 10 is the winner.  There are men who like a little meat on a woman's bones, and going further with the question, boys like b***s that fit in their hands better than b***s that could suffocate them.

  17. I'm not sure most guys really know what a size 2 or a size 10 really looks like. I certainly don't want someone who's all skin and bones or nothing but flab, the point is that she has to be healthy and physically active.

    My fiancee isn't skinny and isn't fat, and I have no clue what her size is because I don't typically go rummaging through her clothes on a regular basis. We have a washer and dryer for that, and besides it's unlikely her clothes would fit me.

    But it does remind me of a survey that a health teacher did for our class in junior high. She showed photos of female models of different sizes and shapes to the girls and the same photos to the guys. She asked the girls what body types and sizes they thought the guys would find most attractive, and she asked the guys what body types and sizes they actually found most attractive.

    The guys' responses were at least 2-3 sizes larger than the girls' expectations.

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