
In your high school how many guys are in cooking/food classes?

by  |  earlier

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Ik its normal obviously for males to be involved in cooking, and cooking classes in HS. my my makes these comments how i just want to be in them to see all the girls :P.for those that are in (or remember) HS, how many guys to girl ratio were in cooking classes?




  1. yeah there are a lot of males in cooking =]

  2. none

  3. There was only like 2 or 3 guys in my cooking class and about 20 girls.  I think it is important for guys to know how to cook. I love it when my man cooks for me. He is really good at it too. I love it when he says tonight I am going to cook for you. It gives me a break and it is really sweet too.

  4. Wow. I love to cook. I take a cooking class for two class periods. There are quit a bit of guys there. I think its hott. My bf loves to cook and is great at it. Dont stress it. Maybe you will find a girl in your class that thinks its hott as well. Good luck.  oh and i am 17 and i senior in high school.

  5. there was quite a few boys in my freshman year foods class. i just graduated. but about 1/3 the class was boys i would say. most were seniors who wanted an easy class. but some were freshman wanting an easy class where they could eat.

  6. Theres a few but were mostly in it to meet girls and learning how to cook is a lifes lesson like this quote:

    Give a man a fish u feed him 4 a day. Teach him how to fish feed him 4 a lifetime.

  7. In my cooking class last year I had 2 boys and 32 girls.  You should totally be in cooking classes!  More guys need to learn how to cook!

  8. When I took Teen Living and Home Ec, half the class was boys. Im sure many of them took it because it was 'easy' or 'had girls'. Haha :]

  9. i would say 30% give or take were in my comercial cooking and food studies.,..but in home ec, it was a surprising half and half

  10. well in my class we had and even amout of boys, not because the they were really interested in cooking but because the class we kinda easy and they get to eat..its perfectly normal!

  11. there were about 8-10 guys out of about...28 people in my cooking class last year, in my first semester of 9th grade. i think there were more guys in the other period though. have fun cooking :)

  12. hey my names aaron too lol theres more guys then girls at my school in that class lol they joined for the same reason

  13. Mostly guys theres 11 people in a class

    and like 4 chicks


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