
In your honest opinion do you think being against feminism is anti female?

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In your honest opinion do you think being against feminism is anti female?




  1. In our society, feminism has gained women the right to vote, drive, go to school and earn money and own property. Anyone who argues that these thing are wrong for women to do, well they hate feminism. Anyone who hates the women who do these things hate most women in America.

    My problem is this: Once feminism is gone, what next? Will women be forced to stay home once they have children? Will they be so harshly judged by society for using birth control or for speaking out of turn?

    Once a group of people get their way with controlling another group (namely men controlling women) they don't choose to stop at a certain point. Something will ALWAYS be wrong with what women are doing, no matter how we change what we do.

  2. Of course it is.

    Intelligent people who like women support women deciding for themselves how to move forward and what politics to support, even if they themselves choose a different path.

    Disagreeing with something is not the same as being 'anti' it.

    Cheers :-)

  3. Yes.

  4. No. I don't.

  5. Feminism, distilled to its core, is simply the belief that men and women are equal in society and should be treated accordingly.  Using this definition, yes, those against feminism are anti female.

  6. "Self proclaimed modern feminists must expect us to believe that the largest feminist organization in America (the National Organization of Women) and the largest circulation feminist magazine (nis). Each of which endlessly promotes the image of women as victims of a male dominated society while vigorously lobbying for special preferences and quotas are somehow unresponsive, or rather unrepresentative of what the supposedly typical feminist does and believes."

    The actions of an organization are what defines it.  If the dictionary definition were all there was to it for feminism then we'd all be happy.  But one must see the reality of what feminism has done and what it strives to do.

    If the main tactic is to simply claim that not all feminists are like that.  Then, I have to wonder why even have a single name for a movement that can't make up it's mind about the goals.

    Imagine if the army was like that.  We'd have most of the troops fighting and the rest standing around claiming that not all soldiers kill people and blow things up as if that makes any difference.

  7. Feminists have done more to hurt women in the last 30 years then a man ever could. Women's lib has led to broken homes, over crowed jails, high teen pregnancies, and millions of unborn babies murdered.

    If women want careers wonderful, go for it and be anything you want to be! But once you have kids, get your a$$ back in the home and raise your OWN friggin children.

    Why are feminists willing to sacrifice their children to pursue their own selfish ambitions!?!

  8. Yes because feminism is about wpens liberation, much the same as racial liberation. However with all things you get extremists, being against extremists is different.

  9. no, i have intelligence so i dont apply others belifs to anothers.

  10. If you're against real feminism, which promotes nothing more or less than the opportunity for women to be treated like equals, you're either a chauvinist or a female supremacist, as the case may be.

  11. No, it's tradiontilist.

  12. why would you be anti-feminist in the first place.. there really is no point to it

  13. No.

    Molly, and anybody else who says what you said, feminists 90 years ago who got women the right to vote and feminists of today are not the same people.  Feminists of the 1960's and feminists of today are not the same people.  There's a difference.

  14. For some people, no...they have legitimate gripes with feminism.

    For some general woman-haters, it's the "distilled essence of woman," so they focus on it rather than women in general to avoid being labeled the extremist bigots they are.

  15. I am not a feminist. But understand that not all feminist are sociopaths. Some are really into "equal rights" and not "special rights". I am very pro-female... and pro-male. I believe in equal treatment of all people no matter their s*x, color, or anything else that makes them different. God said to love others as you love yourself. I have sons and daughters so how could I be biased against one s*x or the other?

  16. Plain and simple no.

  17. This is for your mirror...


    I appreciate the right to help chose my governement representatives.

    I enjoy the option of wearing shorts or pants if I want.

    I'm pleased that I was allowed to learn to read and write.

    It can be very convenient to control how many babies I want to have.

    It's awfully useful to be able to open a bank account and own property in my name.

    I like knowing that my husband or boyfriend cannot legally beat me.

    It's treally swell to keep the money I earn.

  18. NO! Hey I`m not a feminist and I am all for equal right for everyone who is decent.

    I as a female prefer to wear snug short sleeve shirts combined with mini skirts and feminine looking shoes over loose fitting unisex t-shirts combined with unisex shorts or unisex pants and masculine looking shoes all the time! :)

  19. yes. anyone who does not want gender equality is anti-female if they want women to be less equal than men

  20. Often, but not always

  21. Should a person that oposes the KKK be judged anti white? If not then why will an anti-feminist be judged anti female?

  22. No, not at all. The people who throw around words like chauvinist and terrorist would like you to believe that assertion though.

  23. Well, i'm against feminism, but i'm not anti-female, in fact the majority of my friends are female.

    And actually, i'm not TOTALLY against feminism, i just dont like certain areas of feminism, albeit quite a few areas.

    But really, saying that someone that is anti-feminist is anti-female is like calling a white guy a racist for not being involved in black rights groups.

  24. Not always...but it seems to me that there is a fairly high correlation between being anti-feminist and being a misogynist.  Not saying all anti-fems are this way, but a good chunk definitely seem to be.  They will say things about how they think everyone deserves equality or whatnot in one question, and then go on to say something blatantly sexist against in another question. being anti-feminist INHERENTLY being anti-female?  Not necessarily.  But, I do think being anti-feminist is being pretty ignorant and overly dramatic.  Of course there are some problems, and some problem members, in feminism, just as there are problems in any social movement or group of people.  But they do not define the majority nor are they an adequate reason to advocate scrapping the whole movement.  For example, I am a democrat and I would be the first to admit that there are some serious problems with the national democratic party and there are plenty of well-known democrats out there who are a******s or morons.  And frankly, a lot of democratic politicians have made some serious mistakes.  Does this mean that the entire democratic party is "evil" and that all democrats are "evil" and that the democratic party should be scrapped?  No, of course not.  It just means that we need to work on improving it, and also recognize that the actions of individual democrats should not necessarily reflect on all democrats.  

    Basically, being "anti-feminist" is silly.  Rather than being anti-feminist, they should recognize that feminism is, overall, a positive movement with some problems that need fixing.  Let's all work on fixing them together rather than trying to tear each other down.

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