
In your mind, who is the all-time homerun king: Bonds, Aaron, or Ruth?

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In your mind, who is the all-time homerun king: Bonds, Aaron, or Ruth?




  1. The one with the most homeruns and that is Bonds.

  2. Henry "Hank" Aaron is the home run king

    George Herman "Babe" Ruth is the most prolific home run hitter of all time, The Sultan of Swat.

    Barry "U.S." Bonds just merely hit the most.

  3. Hank Aaron

  4. I go with the one that was able to hit the most Home runs which at this point is Barry Bonds, I may not like the man or feel that he did it in an ethical way but he did it within the frame work of what Baseball had set in place at the time that he was playing.  For all that say that Aaron did it "clean" realize that he would have been suspended in today's game for what he used on a regular basis....greenies, amphetamines what ever you want to call them.  Babe Ruth was the ultimate "experimenter" and if he were to have played in today's game you would be kidding yourself if you think he wouldnot have been on that list, he would do anything to out do his competition.

  5. The only thing for sure is Ruth hit 103 home runs after the discovery of steroids in 1931, Aaron hit 755 and Bonds 762.

    Leaders Aaron 755 hopefully never used steroids.

                  Ruth  714 almost positively never used steroids.

                Bonds  600+ maybe real Homers + many many fake Homers.

    Bonds cheated any legit player he passed  out of their place in history and cheated any of his fans who believe he never used them out of their brains.

  6. Hank Aaron no doubt.Bonds cheated to get the record

  7. My all-time home run king - Barry Bonds. His steroid use doesn't have an effect on my decision. He's still possibly the greatest hitter of all time. I think he's a jerk, but as long as he's a jerk to the media, I'm happy.

    My all time baseball king is Babe Ruth, though.

  8. Aaron.

    Bonds is a cheater and gets no credit from me.

  9. What occurs in "our minds" don't mean squat when deciding who the true current HR leader is.  Everyone has their own take on things because the racists, haters, jealous people, fake fans and bandwagoners will pick Roger Maris and George Herman Ruth over others, people in denial and with mental problems will choose Sadaharu Oh even though he never played baseball in the USA, the so-called purists and "diehard fans" (which never exists in baseball fandom because people just have delusional visions of grandeur about being fanatical about sports.....) will pick Henry Aaron, and those who are true to the sport, are educated and know what the consequences of PED usage are, that know how to count and dont waste their time on trivial things such as "PED" usage or law infractions outside of the ballpark will recognize who the true HR leader is, and that player is Barry Bonds.


  10. Bonds, he holds single season and all time home run records. Is this even up for debate?

  11. Josh Gibson. He hit 800+ HR in an equally tough ***** Leagues and he hit a ball out of Yankee Stadium. Case Closed

  12. Arron becasue he did not use drugs.

    Jay it is not about race. Becuase last time I checked Hank Arron was not white.

  13. Aaron!!! bonds took roids. Aaron is infront of ruth in standings... AARON

  14. Arron, he did it without Drugs!


  16. George Herman "Babe" Ruth hit more home runs in fewer games than anyone else.

  17. Barry Bonds.  He have hit more home runs than any other major league player ever.  Period.

  18. Aaron.

  19. Aaron...Bonds is a fake, a phoney, and a all around SMUCK

  20. Aaron is definetly the home run king.

    Bonds took roids

    Barry Bonds 762 HR*************************

  21. Hammerin' Hank Aaron will forever be the Home Run King until someone more suitable than Barry Bonds hits the most career HR's.  Bonds was surly, rude, obnoxious, and was by many accounts, a bad teammate.  Look at Bonds' and Aarons' careers, year-by-year, and view their HR totals for each year side-by-side.  Both players will look identical, until Bonds reaches about 35 years of age; at that point, HIS HR totals take a rather un-believable spike, which lasts about 3 years.  <----Those are his "juiced" years.    If Aaron had experienced a similar spike, due to performance enhancing drugs, he would STILL have more HR's than Bonds.  For these reasons, and more, Hank Aaron = HR KING.

  22. Ruth he did it it less games then both of them

  23. jay you are mental.. its not a black thing for people hating bonds he is a cheater plus i also hate mcquire,giambi,and any other roid user they ruin the game... To answer the question Aaron.

  24. aaron...he didn't cheat, bottom line, i just pray that eventually baseball will be able to prove barry bonds guilty

  25. Bonds because He has proven himself whether nobody likes it or not, He is the Home Run Ming, Period.

  26. BONDS, u white people need to get over it. Why do all u white folks hate on him so much. U people are a trip.

  27. I am a Barry fan obviously and his 762 HR's are undeniable as they all cleared the fences.  So he is the all-time home run king.

    However another way to ask the question is who do you think is the greatest home run hitter ever?

    I believe a better way of looking at it is comparing the era's that they played in and comparable players they competed against.  Ruth dominated the HR numbers compared to his peers, more so than Barry or Aaron did.  So I believe Ruth is the greatest home run hitter ever.

    BTW... all you Barry haters, just wait a little bit, AROD will pass Barry soon enough and you can all celebrate.

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