
In your observation so far, do you sense that Obama and his wife bicker frequently?

by  |  earlier

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LOL !!!!! xD




  1. No.

  2. I dont think they do more then any other husband and wife  

  3. No.  How would you "sense" such a thing from what you've seen?

    Is Neocon another word for idiot?

  4. He's a muslim and she is a black panther libertarian so I'm sure theirs some squabble.

  5. I don't think they bicker. Michelle could brutalize BHO if he acted up. It looks like is wearing a mouth guard at all times in case she wants to fight.    

  6. Nope .  she runs her ranchette.

  7. I would say Obama probably wears the pants in the family but Michelle tells him what pair to put on.  

  8. Do you mean about how much they both hate America?

  9. i sense no bickering.  i sense that whatever she says, goes.  end of story.

  10. There's no doubt who 'wears the pants' in that family.  Her attempt at being the 'traditional first lady' is so transparent and phony. Ever since they told her to shut up and she did, I've actually lost all respect for her.  I may vehemently disagree with her on everything, but I do respect someone who stands up for what they believe in.  I hate phonies and she has turned into a major phony.  At home, I imagine she's the same old belligerent Michelle and has the final word on everything.  Obama's a wuzz, and it shows.  

  11. Nope. Seems like they get along pretty well. In fact, I don't really think they spend enough time with each other in order to bicker about frivolous things.

  12. I don't see that.  I do think it is sad to see how many people in the USA can't handle seeing a strong women.  It freaks them out.  I thought we got rid of the barefoot pregnant woman in the '70's.  

  13. Yes, and I know she wins, like he said at Saddleback, "I take my advice from Michelle & Grandma"

  14. i have no idea and it does not really matter.

  15. projecting personal problems, eh?

  16. I think if anything they bicker over the mirror. They are both very arrogant and egotistacal.

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