
In your opinion, did Hillary successfully unite the party last night?

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Or did it end up creating even more 'buyers remorse'?




  1. No..If anything it proved the demorats should have nominated her.

    I don't like democrats and would never vote for one..but Hillary is far more qualified than the black messiah.

  2. I think not, I think it was the opposite.  She gave a very good speech, that really highlighted how different her and Biden are, and that 18 million voters have a case for being disappointed.  She will bring some of those home, but after that speech, I am glad that Obama made the mistake of not putting her on the ticket, because I have no doubt that the Republicans couldn't put up a VP selection that could have been competitive with her.

  3. Buyers remorse is the sense that many of the delegates had going into the convention, I read pieces in several newspapers which took polls of convening delegates, and this was the central topic.  In Ohio, a super delegate told the Columbus Dispatch..."If Obama were white he would be a shoe in for the White House" an example.

    But leave it to the Democrats to have doubts now that a decision has been made.

    Hillary did ok for shoring up her voters for the fall, and really, all the protests so long wished for by the Rush Limbaugh types, nothing of any consequence has actually occurred.

    As of right now, I lean Obama, only, because he seems pragmatic.  But more importantly, he has the signs of bringing stability to the nation as a leader.  That is, his demeanor, presentation style, and cool affability, is far more Presidential than McCain, whom I see as a rough edged fighter for a cause, and being President, demands a different sort of man, in my opinion.

    Obama has deep ties to the University of Chicago, whose thoughts on economic issues is at the very heart of conservatism, and, if Obama does become President, on hopes of change, one hopes he settles into a sort of economic framework that is helpful to the nation.

    It was Obama that mentioned months back that Reagan set the nation on a new trajectory.  He downplayed this later in the debates, but, he meant what he said, and, he was correct to say so.

    On international issues, if he has the right advisors, he will do fine, I expect.

  4. You can't undo a year and a half of division with one speech.

  5.    No her speech was just camoflauge a bandaide in an attempt to stop the bleeding within the party.  The resentment and anger of the Clintons and others that support her runs too deep and will surely surface and serve to fracture the Democratic party further.  The Democrats are standing on the face of a sheer cliff and one little push will suffice to make them take that plunge into the abyss.  

  6. Definitely buyers remorse!!! Clinton is our Nominee, not Obama!! I came out of it even more PI*** off, I still will not vote for an inexperienced racist!!!!

  7. I can not speak for anyone else. We all make our choices according to so many thoughts  that are unique to us. I voted for Hillary because at the time I didn'got know enought about Barack. Once I heard him speak I knew he was as good of a candidate as Hillary. Others have filters which can be about him being a male when they want a female or his skin color or listening to things to valadate their thoughts, patterns & beleifs. I saw an ad that said Obama was raising taxes. He will take back the tax break that Bush gave for people who make over $250,000 this is not raising taxes on many people. If a person wants to make him wrong they will say "look he is raising taxes" without caring about what is really true. So Hillary can not unte the party. She can speak to people & give them a clear view but their own clutter will determine who they vote for.

  8. Even a politician knows when ENOUGH IS ENOUGH........

    In her speech she never said he will make a great president, she just mention him 10 times, right AFTER she recited her own accomplishments.

  9. I think it united the Republicans more...but then I am a

  10. It's is Mr. Obama, Job to win over the Hillary supports. And I find it  odd if they think Mr. Obama is so all that.  Why,

    now, are they doubting he can  not do that  Since  he wants  us to believe he is such a unifier .Then, why dose he need Hillary at all.? People, you will never make  me believe, you can not see through this man.

  11. possibly but the one only true way is to be vp and hate to say but that would be a sure win for them

  12. I still will not vote for Obama.  Just Say No Deal.  

  13. No, if anything I have lost respect for her...just call me former Democrat...Independent now...

  14. I think that some will vote Obama because she said to but most will be even more angry because she isn't getting the nomination... those are the people they need to work on...we'll see what Bill has to say tonight...

    I think what Obama and the DNC hasn't given enough thought to is that the Clintons have a very strong following and just hearing them give their speeches is going to make that following wish even more that Hillary got the nomination...

    I did a lot of traveling across the US back when Bill was running and people all over the US love this guy...I am from Arkansas and I have never understood how he has pulled it off but ole slick Willy as we call him here, has the heats of many not only in the US but all over the world...I don't think that Obama and the DNC has beat the Clintons yet...

    always nosnod

  15. No, she didn't, and she knows she didn't. That was not her intention. Notice how little she said in praise of Barack, and Michele as possible? She even said little about unification of the party. Most of what she said was about herself, and all the "good" she has done.

    This was just another campaign ad for her...and by the looks on Michele Obama, and Bill Clinton's faces, they knew it, too!


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