
In your opinion, did this giant hissing cockroach race determine the outcome of the Presidential election?

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NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) — This presidential race was no contest: John McCain sped to the finish while Barack Obama was reluctant to leave the starting point.

But there's no guarantee giant Madagascar hissing cockroaches will predict the real result in November.

The roach race Thursday was part of the New Jersey Pest Management Association's annual clinic and trade show.

Yes, the New Jersey Pest Management Association had two roaches race -- one carrying a little drawing of Republican presidential hopeful John McCain and the other a likeness of Democratic contender Barack Obama. "McCain" won most of the matches.

Video of the race:




  1. The news said they claimed an 86% success rate.  I happen to think the roaches would do as well were they the actual candidates.  

  2. No, it just proves McCain supporters know how to pick their cockroaches. Kind of a kindred relationship sort of, or maybe professional bias.

  3. One can only hope.

  4. Well, they say cockroaches can live a long, long time so maybe there is some comparison to McCain.

    However, cockroaches give me the willies, just like McCain's policies

  5. If you take these contests seriously then why bother voting?

    The problem with these publicity stunts is that tomorrow you'll hear of another "race" where a frog catapulted in the air in St. Louis has predicted the presidential election since 1964... and then next week that watermellon seed predicted the other guy and has determined the president since 1918.... blah blah blah.  These "news" stories are beatings.

    The funny thing is that I have NEVER heard of these ancient contests until this year.  I think in 2004 someone stated that a tuna fish salad recipe has determined the presidency for 100 years and this year I havn't hear anything about this (and I didn't hear about it in my lifetime except for 2004).

    I guess it gives you comfort if you are for the guy who wins a particular gimmick "contest".  But I am as suspicious as the next guy:  I don't walk under ladders BUT am I going to  move until a roach crosses a line?  That's too ridiculous to waste my time on.

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