
In your opinion, do looks matter. And why?

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In your opinion, do looks matter. And why?




  1. Nope. Not at all. All though I must say I looooove my bf and think he's gorgeous...It's all about personality.

    In other words...

    If you had a guy that was the epitome of the most beautiful face in the world...yet he was boring, bland, rude and cocky....then..he starts to look a lot less beautiful and you wouldnt be happy with someone like that.

    If you had a guy..with average looks..but he made you feel like the happiest person in the world and was funny, sweet, kind, honest. I think then...that you would deffo go for this choice.

    Maybe that's why sometimes..when people see couples and they think...why is she with him..or vise's just how you see the's not for everyone else to judge.

    I got lucky though..and bagged one with looks and personality :P

  2. Initially they do matter because people judge instantaneously by what they see. As you get to know the person though, looks start to matter less and personality starts to matter more.

  3. I think it does... in the sense that if you love someone you feel attracted towards them.It doesn't matter if what you find attractive others do or don't-we are all different, therefore some may say a person is good-looking and another may disagree.Personality is equal to looks i think, whats the point finding someone attractive, but then realising they're completely boring.

    Looks matter in the sense that you-yourself love the way they look and you don't care what others think-as long as they are attractive to you.

  4. Looks fade and then you realise it's what's inside that counted all along.

  5. In my opinion, looks attract the person and the personality retains them.

  6. yeah.

    but i find pete doherty a turn on  

  7. looks matter 2 some people but not all i like people that look good but that's just me other people like guys that are nice it doesn't matter what they look like just keep your hopes up you will find some1 that likes you 4 you just have fun she will come soon i like people that look good caz I'm just like that all girls like 2 rate guys asses and stuff 4 fun but my best guy friends don't look that good n they are really nice i would date them if we weren't so close as friends

  8. they do,but i treat everbody equal no matter what,

  9. I really dont see how people can say "no, its all about the personality" as you have to be physically attracted to the person, obviously you cant base it all on the looks as that would just be silly but surely u dont want to be with someone who you dont find attractive?!?

  10. Initially to some, but I go by personality.

  11. Yes of course, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  12. yes it is important to look good, but that should not be the main thing you judge on a person. I think that looks matter because you don't really want to be looking like a creep.

  13. My opinion yes. Looks matter. People will say they don't, because they try to be nice for other peoples sake. But in reality they wouldn't look twice at an ugly man or woman.

    To me, looks matter because your not going to love a person just by there personality. Yes personalitys are strong points of a character but to love a person you've got to love the whole aspects of them.

    If your not attracted to a person, your not going to go out with them. if you have no physical chemistry whats the point in a relationship. Because you'll be feel revolted by everything.

    I may sound shallow. But its really true.

    but i think everyone is different. i think there are those people out there that actually do just go for personality. But for me. It's about looks and personality.  

  14. Hmm Looks matter to an extent, But i have to be attracted to the guy, Ive dated someone for about 9 months who wasn't conventionally good looking and people would ask me what i saw in him, but in my eyes he was gorgeous. Looks can only get you so far, personality is VERY important, Take Princess Diana for an example she in my opinion was one of the most beautiful women in the world, but she wouldn't be half as pretty if she had a horrible personality. Appearances do matter but looks fade, personality is with you for life.

    Bless x

  15. yes but only because they attract you to he person, the person may have the personality of a pig or be really nice :)  

  16. Well, the sort of do, but i depends what you are into. Personality is a big thing though. I love guys who can make me laugh and smile, even if they aren't really good looking I'm not really bothered about looks, i like pretty much everything, except chavs. i really like the rugged look, like Daniel Craig or Jenson Button, but im not fussed.

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