
In your opinion, do you think circumsision is absolutely nessesary?

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Just wondering. Im uncircumsised and im not sure if I want to get circumsised or not. I also want to know the benefits and downsides of it.





  1. No its not at all necessay..

    Its like having an insurance....if u do it its better...

    and if u don't then its okay.

    the basic concept of circumcism is to keep the p***s cleaner and more hyeginic which reduces the chances of having any kind of illness..

    thats it.........

  2. It's not necessary at all. There are many benefits to being left intact. Doesn't your f******n give you any pleasure? Most guys like the fact it keeps the glans sensitive and can be slid up and down. On a guy I think it looks normal and it's fun to play with. There are no hygiene downsides unless the guy has real trouble keeping himself clean. The f******n actually protects the urethra and glans. Yes an intact guy needs to wash that area but so does a circumcised guy. None of the studies showing any "benefits" of circumcision stand up to scrutiny.


  3. Aside from humans, which other animal with a p***s is regularly circumcised?

    None, so if animals that don't know how to use soap can keep it clean, humans can keep it clean.

  4. Circumcision is never necessary.     It is male genital mutilation and is promoted by doctors who make money from it and are frequently members of the minority religions that try to impose this mutilation on all males.    That's how it became so widespread.

    The downsides?      It damages the p***s, diminishes penile size,

    damages sexual sensitivity and ability.

    In my case, the nerve damage from the mutilation was more than average, making it impossible for me to achieve o****m in normal s*x.

    I'm restoring my f******n, which will never have the complete sensitivity and feeling of the original, but is a vast improvement.     Intensity of o****m is more than doubled, and I never dreamed that it could feel this good.

    Circumcision makes the p***s smaller, also, and anything that diminishes the size of the p***s can't be a good thing.

    10% of circumcisions require additional surgeries to attempt to repair damage inflicted by the first one.     There are no standards for this mutilation, even though millions of them have been perpetrated on helpless infants.    They are frequently sloppily done by medical students.

    Doctors seldom offer any treatments for problems with the f******n, which like any other body part can develop problems---look at all of the problems women have with their genitals.   Doctors just want to chop off the f******n of any male who falls into their clutches.

    It doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to figure out that a whole, natural and normal p***s feels and functions better than a scarred, mutilated and partial one.

    That's why the mutilation rates are falling in the US.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

  5. unless you have frostbite, it is never necessary, anything with the f******n can be cured non invasively

    I wish my parents hadn't chosen it for me, when I found out about it I read everything I could, I know tons of information about and have read both pro and anti circumcision websites, I really wanted to believe it was good, but the truth just isn't there, you see and hear all these claims but if you ask for the actual study nobody has them or they are so old and used invalid techniques and would not even be considered for publishing, I wanted to believe it was good but if you look at both sides, circumcising without an immediate medical need makes no sense at all.

    I did f******n restoration restoring what was left (they do leave some f******n) but it's not all restorable, but what I was able to get back was great. but this came at a price, I can no longer see circumcision as cosmetic or as if it does not really matter, things that I thought were normal I only realized were problems after I restored and no longer had them, sexual enjoyment is way up. I can't imagine how much better the real thing is.

    people have said in relation to sexual pleasure




    and from my experience I agree with the cut/restored numbers

  6. I was uncircumsized for many years & was miserable.  I recently had the circumcision procedure done & wish I'd had it done years ago.  There's no comparison in the way I feel.  But, then again, to each his own.

  7. Mother nature blessed you with a f******n. Don't cut it!

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