
In your opinion, does Obama now realize the importance of national security?

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On Tuesday of this week, Barack Obama got his first intelligence briefing as a candidate. Spy agencies are also ready to brief John McCain, but have yet to do so. US spy agencies are already working on reanalyzing and updating reports from around the world, so the new president can be briefed come January.


ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Sen. Barack Obama got his first intelligence briefing as the Democratic U.S. presidential candidate this week and spy agencies are ready to do the same for Republican rival Sen. John McCain, a senior U.S. official said on Thursday.

Now that he's being briefed, do you feel safer having Obama as your President?




  1. Obama's only interest in national security is limited to how he can craft his lies about what he will do regarding that very important issue.

    He has to make us think he will care about it if he wants to get elected.

    Check his past voting records regarding security matters if you want to understand what Obama is really all about.  

  2. My view is that it all seems like just another political game to him.

    To be fair, most domestic policies seem like a game to Republicans. But many Democrats seem to play games with our foreign policy, and of the two choices, the Democrats choice seems most offensive.

    McCain did not hesitate to express solidarity with the Georgians because he has clarity on the issue. Obama waffled, offerened some non-starters and eventually settled on the same position.

    I could certainly see the opposite happening on domestic issues like healthcare or Fannie Mae, etc.,.  But standing up for people being slaughtered by a repressive power seems more serious of the two...but then again, I'm Republican.

  3. No, he has no leadership experience and his judgement is questionable at best.  He still can not admit he was wrong about Iraq, and feels we should have just gave up.  That in the face of what he knows by the briefing.  This guy is dangerous and if he was a white guy with that record, he would never have gotten this far.

  4. 110%.

    That's why he is getting my vote....Not McSame.

  5. NO, he used any info he learned to pass it on to his mentor the Nation of ISLAM.

  6. No, we would be better briefing his handlers than him, as if left to react to anything fast He's too prone to studder and stammer until someone puts it on a teleprompter what to say and do

  7. No.  I am scared because I am sure one of his 300 foreign policy advisors will leak whatever information they tell him....  They have been doing it the last 6 years.

  8. only if by briefing you mean "depantsing" the only place he should be in charge is the underwear dept of walmart.

  9. I think choosing Biden as his running mate shows he realizes the importance of national security.  Obama made a good choice. Unfortunately, McCain's VP choice shows he undermines the importance of national security.  It's over for McCain!  

  10. I think he has always had a true concern and has stated such ideas throughout his campaign.

    Funny, now Bush and Maliki are drawing down troops in Iraq, exactly as Obama opined.

    Further, Bush is conducting diplomatic talks with Iran, in order to improve their possibility of meeting our demands.  Again, exactly as Obama suggested.

    I think he will do just fine and he will now get his info from the same qualified sources as any other candidate or office holder, and thus, this will only improve his positions.

  11. Obama is ONLY interested in himself and any power he can get....he will never be interested in the importance of national security. He's a freaking dem!

  12. Yes of course I do. Bush was absolutelty deplorable on national security and I'd like the individual above to prove that Obama has been leaking this information.

  13. "All wars are about money" Socrates

    Well, we don't know what he heard.  What effect would the info have on his approach to achieving his goals or the characterization of his positions?

    We can be sure of this.  He and his surrogates can call it whatever they want but it IS redistribution of wealth.  He wants to get the money from the rich.  The rich wouldn't be rich if they were stupid.  They are now taking profits and hiding the money from him as we speak.  A critical examination of Wall Street and you'll see it as obvious.  The rich that aren't scrambling and are willing to see their money confiscated don't have enough to fund his plan.

    So, where is the money?  It's in the defense department.  If the security information he got says that he can't take that money, he will have no choice but to redefine what 'rich' means.

    He will take the advice of Charlie Rangle who defines 'rich' as anyone who owns a clock radio for the purpose of getting up in the morning to get to a job on time.

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