
In your opinion, does daycare affect a child?

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I'm writing a psychology paper on the affects on children and daycare and any input would be helpful. It's hard to see a paper from all angles and I'm trying to cover all of them. Thank you :)




  1. Yes,

      For my child who was enrolled in one of the best daycares in the US 30 years ago - it has shown to be a solid stepping stone in her education.

    She now is earning her MBA and working a full time career.

  2. Yes it does.  I feel that daycare should only be used in absolute emergency situations.  Divorced / single parents may need to use it.

    My younger son just turned six.  He spent ONE day in daycare.  Why?  Because when I picked him up he said, "I have to show daddy what I learned today!!"  He wouldn't show me because he "couldn't".  I thought that was odd but okay...

    He went up to his dad when we got home and said, "Daddy!  Look what I learned!"  My son kicked him in the privates.  

    Kids pick up the values of those they spend the majority of their time with.  I want my children to have my values.  He never went back to daycare.  I quit my job.  We had to struggle it out for the rest of the year (until pre-k).

  3. Childcare definitely affects children. It can have a negative affect if they are there for a long period of time during the day. I have worked in childcare care for about seven years, and have seen the affects of me raising other people's children. Also, daycare workers are generally treated very badly and there is a very high turnover rate in daycare centers( I have worked at 4 different ones). I now work for a church preschool, and I love it.  I have found that the children there are much happier and better behaved because the hours of class are only from 9:30 to 12:00, which means they are spending the rest of their time with mom and dad. Hope this was helpful-Good luck!

  4. Yes it definitely has an effect.

    In most cases a good child care centre will help the child's language development, socialisation, creativity, and physical development because a good child care centre has more resources that most homes.  For children from impoverished homes it can introduce good nourishment.  If the staff are well trained they can contribute a lot to the child's intellectual development as well as teaching independent living skills.

    However in some rare cases the child can have problems with other children bullying or conflict with untrained or unsuitable staff.  This can be a real problem because the little ones are  unable to express their problems as an older child would.

  5. I do think that daycare effects for example the child not being connected with parents for several hours in a loving enviroment and mostlikely going back to that enviroment the next day

  6. Kids can not go to day care until they are old enough to talk and tell you what goes on. Infants should only be left with mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, aunts or personal friends. Sorry but you really can't trust what goes on in a place that may be watching 4 infants,3 3 year old's, and a rambunctious 5 year old.

    This is very important if it means less money, so be it.

  7. daycare does affect a child in a way from my point of veiw because of the fact that parents dont teach their child what not to do when they pick up on things, but then again they are only a child and its their fault its on the parents and a child needs to be  a child to be around kids their age you feel me

  8. It definitely lets the child know that mom and dad have greater love for disposable consumer goods than their own children.

  9. it depends on the child leave him or her in the day care for one day and see what he or she doesnt like or like about it

  10. Absolutely! According to Bandura and his theory on modeling, children would be affected by other children in the daycare and their actions. Young children are especially susceptable to picking up new habits or copying actions/words they are hearing and seeing. Children in daycare may also be more sociable and know how to better develop relationships with others. Of course, having environmental influences from the daycare does not mean a child will turn out in a certain way. There are several other influences (ie home, genes, etc.) that can affect children.

    Good luck on your paper!

  11. You need to narrow down your focus, such as behavior pros vs. cons. As for research, there is alot of paper out there that proves that the longer a child is in day care (full day/full year) the more likely the child will show aggressive behaviors. Think about it, a baby that is in a day care (like a corporate center) may have up to SIX or more people carrying for him/her throughout the usual 9-10 hour day. These people range from the cook filling in while the teacher is on break or before/after teacher arrives/leaves, to the 'teacher' that may only have a few in-service trainings on child care. Add a couple more years of this, how and who is a child to trust and bond with ???? And do you know most day care centers have a 50% a year turnover, 75% by the second year ?? I have had parents tell me there child had a new teacher every couple of months. So much for a child learning consistency and routine. What the child learns is the must accept what is given. They do not 'adapt', the veteran day care kids just accept it. A new teacher always means a new opportunity to 'be the favorite', which leads to the cutest/most aggressive kids in that teacher's opinion gets the most attention. Three out of four infant/toddler programs are of such low quality they are HARMFUL to a child's development. Hope this gives ya ideas, As for me, I found a high-quality program with little turnover, good pay and benefits. Took some time, but I saw alot of junk passing off as 'teaching' in the day cares.

  12. I think it definatly does.  It allows the children to develope social skills, like dealing with peers, sharing, have to wait to do things, and having to function on a schedule.  Also it provides socialization like being in a room with many other kids/adults, it gets rid of stranger danger faster in young children.  As well as daycare providers tend to have more creative ideas of what to do with the kids so they don't get as bored as fast.

  13. In my opinion it does affect a child. It makes a child better rounded, as in social settings, and being able to interact with others. My youngest son was very backwards and shy when he was younger, and I put him in daycare just a couple days a week just so he could be around other children abd adults besides just family. It was the best thing, because he opened up more and got along better with others.

  14. yeah it makes a big affect trust me i know i have 2 younger sisters. it affects their social life it helps them know how to be around people their own age. it also gives them a heads up on being away from their parents because most likely on the first week of school theyll be crying all over the place because they dont want you to leave. so you can get them used to school

  15. That's too broad of a subject for a psych paper. Narrow it down to something like socialization factors or developmental implications. For sociolization check into resources on Social Psychology. For Development, there are resources on Developmental Phychology. Now if you really what to probe, look up information on Romanian ophanages and the trouble people have after adopting from them.

    My actual opinion though is that if a childcare worker does not really love what they do it can negatively affect the children. Just like a parent. You have to love the kids and show them love. Up to the age of 6 or 7 we have the ability to shape children. I believe this can be found in Developmental Psych research. Yes, it provides socialization...but at what cost?

  16. My child is in a home-care setting run by 2 moms.  She is 14 months old and is in contact with 4 other kids there from ages 2-10.  She LOVES it.  It has helped her a lot.  She's only been there 2 months but I can see that she is talking more and is starting to walk.  I know that she would have progressed while at home with me too, but I don't think it would have happened this quickly.  My daughter is very social and loves playing with the other kids.

    I hate being away from her, but she is a very independent baby.  She takes it all in stride.

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