
In your opinion, how many people in the US are still in the dark about what is going on politically?

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I am talking about those that have no idea about the detention camps, Real ID, Military Commissions Act, Patriot Act. Things like that.




  1. About 95%.  You also forgot the workings of Congress, the federal budget, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, earmarks, tax policy, crime and punishment, energy policy, etc., etc........

    The younger generation is probably the most guilty of being uninformed.  Maybe they should stop texting, cranking their I-pods, buying stuff they can't afford and educate themselves.

    Having the right to vote bestowed to 18 year olds is absolutely ludicrous.  Easy to be an naive idealist when you don't pay any taxes and don't have any bills that are not taken care of by Mommy and Daddy (...for many, that is.  I know many young people are responsible and work and study hard.  You know the irresponsible ones to whom I refer.)

  2. Anyone with brain enough to push the little button that gets them off of Fox News knows.  Only the unthinking stay there; they need to be TOLD what to think.

  3. from what i can tell just about every small town red state country club member like my boss who still thinks george bush is doing a great job. he also says obama was born and raised in a middle eastern muslim terrorist training camp. this is from the mayor of our town and even lawyers , doctors and even the sherriff of our county. i am ashamed if people know where i work and sometimes if people ask me where i work i will lie to them.

  4. Probably 99%.  Nobody really knows what's going on, except for those in office.  Plus, a lot of people really don't want to know.  There are tons of really ignorant people in this country that really only care about how much it costs them to fill up their Ford Excursion.

  5. i would say 50%

  6. I know and don't care.

    In WW2 when we went to Germany, we had prisoners of war.

    There was no way of keeping them from picking up their guns again after we caught them, so the order was given to shoot the prisoners, even after we knew they surrendered, NOONE batted an eye, now you people act like the rules of war have changed, well maybe they have, but we are not yet in the same situation, but if we are, you can bet we may and will do the same thing again if the need shale arise.

  7. my guess would be about 75% seeing as how im just a high schooler and most kids are fairly stupid and dont know what "manifest destiny" is

  8. 28.1%... they're called republicans...

  9. 98%

  10. Considering the 18 million that voted for Obama, I would say ........18 million!

  11. a lot less than the populations of  the so callrd free other CHINA, RUSSIA, AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA, most EUROPE...etc etc....we know about the camps but we do n't they say you done the crime you do the time!!!

  12. 75-80%... Most people have no clue and isn't it scary that these people will help decide who will be president?

  13. From my experience.. probably somewhere around 85% and I'm being Optimistic!

    “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” Edward R. Murrow

  14. I would have to say that the majority of people in the US are clueless on these issues and there are even some who when this info is presented to them who will dissmiss it as conspiracy theories.

  15. That's not what you asked.

  16. Just the ones that vote democrat

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