
In your opinion, is 22 years old too old to start barrell racing? Also, what do you look?

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for in a good barrell racing horse?




  1. I dont think so.  You are just going to have to practise a little more than other people.  I ride english so I dont know a lot about barrel racing, but you want barrel horses to be short and stalky.  They should be sensative, not the kind of horse that needs A TON of leg.  You also want them to have good flexibility and a sensitive mouth so they know where you are telling them to go.

  2. Not if you can already ride a horse.

    Other wise the balance it takes can be hard to come by

    But with work you can do it

  3. Is it the horse or the rider you're talking about as 22 years old?  If it's the horse, I would say that it's definitely not going to be competitive.  If it's the rider, well, I know at least one of the top barrel racers in the country is close to or in her fifties, and still going strong.

  4. No way! any one can start to barrel. Its sooo fun!

    Arabians and Quarter horses are the best barrel horses.

    The arabian has a short back to make turns and they are crazy fast.

    Same thing with most QH's

    Just look for a smaller (not much taller than 15.1) more compact speedy horse.

    I hope you dont shy away from barrel racing. It is alot of fun!

  5. If 22 referes to the horse, you might want to pick something a bit younger, not because they can't but because of the stress on the animal.  I've barrel raced many years.  What I look for is the best motor (muscled rear quarters), a quiet calm sensible mind and good, unblemished legs.  I prefer about a 15 hand thoroughbred but speedy little quarter horses and mustangs do well too.  Willingness and partnership make a winning team.

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