
In your opinion, is it truly necessary for humanity to care for wildlife conservation?

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I've recently read an article that stated the tigers of India are all but extinct in the region. After reading it I researched some more and realize that already 4 species of tigers in the last 100 years have already become extinct. I thought what better place for a discussion then on Yahoo Answers since many ppl take to heart the answers the give on here I thought it would be interesting to see the opinions of others on this subject matter.




  1. To put it simply, It's CRITICAL! As goes the wildlife in the world, so goes humanity. If we make the planet uninhabitable for animals, it's going to be uninhabitable for ALL animals, including humans in very short order!

  2. I think it is definitely necessary for humanity to care about wildlife conversation because we have to share our earth with them and everything we do plays an impact on them also.


  4. Don't you feel sorry about losing some animal species? I think that shows just people's caring attitude towards our "smaller brothers", nothing more. Because nature disasters are the main danger on the Earth.

  5. The polar bear's population numbers are up five times from 40 or 50 years ago. The entire listing of them on the endangered list is based on unproven computer model scenarios. Notice I didn't say 'forecast' because even the UN climate models now admit that these climate models are not predictions or forecasts; they're merely scenarios.

    So they're basing it on these computer models, which top forecasting experts – one of them being Dr. Scott Armstrong from University of Pennsylvania said violate the basic methodology used and the basic principles of forecasting.

  6. yes.

  7. It is; animals are a part of the ecosystem. Partly because of the the prey-predator cycle which determines the the system's functioning: if one animal extincts, those above it in the pyramid will be affected and so on.

  8. Of course it is. Alot of animals help the survival of our species and the environment without them we are screwed. We are guests on this planet they were here first.

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