
In your opinion, is moshing dangerous? Has anyone ever gotten really hurt? I haven't.

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Moshing is fun.




  1. I got a concussion once. I dislocated some guy's shoulder on accident once also. Guess it just depends on the crowd.

  2. i dont think its dangerous if people are using proper etiquette. and yeah people have gotten hurt.

  3. what is moshing?

  4. People can get really hurt in mosh pits if people are being considerate. At one concert i was at someone was severely injured,  although I'm not sure exactly what happened, and the people around him/her caught the attention of one of the guys in the band, and they were able to get this person help, and they were carried away in a stretcher. that's the worst ive ever witnessed.

    personally, the worst that's happened to me is just a few bruises from being punched.

  5. Someone at a slipknot concert mosh and was killed.

  6. Moshing IS fun.

    It is a pretty safe activity. Moshing, also called slam dancing, can be dangerous though. If people aren't paying attention to where they're going, someone can get hit pretty hard. Usually only resulting in bruises, black eyes, or bloody noses, some people have been known to come out of pits with broken arms, and ribs. It is pretty safe though, because as a community of concert goers, people look after each other. You'll commonly notice that people will pick up others that have fallen down, brush them off, and throw them right back into the pit.

    I've heard of people getting trampled by other moshers because they weren't aware that someone had fallen. This has resulted in severe injury, and in some cases death.

    Here is an awesome article you should read:

  7. Ah, it depends. Exercise caution.

    One kid at the local high school broke a vertebrae while moshing.


    Just be safe.  

  8. lol i used to mosh all the tiem in high school at clubs. Have people ever gotten hurt? people have gotten killed dude, look on youtube some girl died last year at some thing anyways

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