
In your opinion, is this racist? And what do you call the rest of the comments?

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This is the guy that put Curious George in the t-shirt with Obama's name.

Norman got himself a giant message board in front of his bar, anyway. His past messages include: "I wish Hillary had married OJ," "No habla espanol—and never will," and the classic "I.N.S. Agents eat free." Norman tells AJC "I'm saying out loud what everyone in this town whispers."




  1. Very racist, and probably driven by fear.  Fear of someone different, fear that someone could be better that isn't like him.  He probably shares the common mistaken belief that a society can only support one kind of person, and that they  (different people) will replace him in it.  And if he can't make room for them, he should be replaced!  There's no reason we can't all co-exist.

  2. Vulgar and bigoted, but protected under the 1st amendment.  As it should be.

  3. it is racist, but it is also an issue that seperates many of us.  is he entitled to his opinion's, of course.  can he publicly display them, probably not.  but it is racist.

  4. Of course it is.  And if his comment is true, his town is populated with jerks.

  5. I do not agree with this man.  But no one said a word when these came out:

    And of course

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