
In your opinion,.............?

by  |  earlier

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What are the pros and cons of living in auckland. And don't say traffic as a con or ill eat you!




  1. In where?

  2. Where's Auckland?

  3. I am living in Auckland, it's quite rainy all the time, sometimes sunny. People say sometimes that there are four seasons a day in Auckland when winter is coming. And actually, there are no traffics here. And I hate teenagers in here that already have permission in driving, makes me jealous, I only have a learner's license.

  4. I used to live in Auckland, it was sweet. There was a rainbow practically all the time, it rained quite a bit though.

  5. Hmmmm...

    Auckland City or Auckland Region???

    In no particular order...


    - Big city / region

    - Multi-cultural

    - One quarter of the country's population live here

    - Scenery

    - Beaches

    - Parks

    - Attractions available

    - Women


    - Big city / region

    - Multi-cultural

    - One quarter of the country's population live here

    - Lack of facilities

    - Lack of co-ordinated public transport

    - T******

    Oh... whoops!!!

    Would you like fries with that?

  6. Hmmm well i dont really want to be eaten so I'll say some cons are....... higher population in the city means higher polution level, there isnt exactly a center to Auckland- some of the best shopping centres are in the outter suburbs, large mix of different races so there may be a lot of racism.

    Pro- seeing its a large city famous overseas bands tend to only have concerts there

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