
In your opinion, should Karl Rove be arrested & prosecuted for contempt?

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for refusing to answer a subpoena?




  1. If any of us were supoenaed and we didn't show up, we would be in contempt and arrested.

    Karl Rove should get the same treatment.

  2. No, What part of Executive Priveledge do you not understand ?

  3. Yes.... he should have answered and the said nothing but "I plead the fifth" to every question they ask.  It is ridiculous that the democrats who made such a big deal about the investigation into Clintons white house trysts are so gung ho about a simple thing like firing judges.

  4. Of course.  Otherwise he and the rest of Bush Inc. will start to think they are above the law.  LOL.

  5. Yes.  He is a private citizen now.

    If a person gets a subpoena to appear in court and completely ignores it, an arrest warrant is issued and the person goes to jail.

    This is no different.

    And no, he does not have "executive privilege" because he's not the executive, nor IN the executive any longer.  He's a private citizen!

    Even if it did still apply, that only means he doesn't have to testify.  He still has to SHOW UP!

  6. No - he should not.

    That kind of action would start a pointless t*t - for - tat war between the parties. Let him slink under a rock and stay there.

  7. He's not entitled to special treatment.  He has already stated that he didn't discuss the particulars of this case with the president so claims of executive privilege are out the window.

  8. Yes, it would make good news. We could forget about Rev. Jackson.

  9. why not, I thought we were ALL equal before the law......right?

  10. I think David has the right Idea.  Let go of your hate for anything and everything to do with Bush.  You'll feel much better.

  11. Yes, just like conservatives would have tried to do to Clinton if he had done the same (and every other person they subpeonad in their 8 year long snipe hunt).

  12. Yes, he broke the law.  What is it that people don't understand that you NEED to follow the law, and the second that people are ABOVE the law, EVERYTHING IS LOST?

  13. Yeah, he's a crook and a worm.

  14. No.  Executive privilege.  But maybe we could ask Rev. Jesse Jackson's opinion I am sure it would be different.  He probably would like to lop off some nuts.

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